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Do you use PySimpleGUI 4? Here is what you need to know.
PySimpleGUI creates desktop applications easily, enhancing the tkinter, Qt, WxPython, and Remi frameworks with a much simpler programming interface:
PySimpleGUI is more than a GUI library: PySimpleGUI simplifies much of your Python development process. Sure, it makes developing user interfaces much easier, but PySimpleGUI also tames advanced Python functionality (such as threading) and makes it easy for all users to take their Python applications to the next level. PySimpleGUI is a robust toolkit.
For the last 5 years, PySimpleGUI offered free software with the hope of sustaining the company by donations. We appreciate the support we received, but the amount has been too small to support the PySimpleGUI project. For this reason, PySimpleGUI is switching to a commercial model, where commercial users are expected to pay a nominal license fee.
PySimpleGUI is now part of PySimpleSoft, Inc., whose mission is to make the best Python application development environment much, much better. Since launching in 2018, PySimpleGUI has helped hobbyists and professionals alike create Python GUIs in a fraction of the time. PySimpleGUI 5 takes PySimpleGUI to the next level, providing hundreds of improvements, including new features, enhanced security, and priority support.
PySimpleGUI 5 is licensed software. As the License Agreement explains, after a trial period, all PySimpleGUI 5 users must register at to obtain a Developer Key. For most users (Hobbyist Users), the license is at NO COST. If you are a Commercial User, you must buy a license.
Register Now and help support the PySimpleGUI community.
PySimpleGUI users have created thousands of amazing desktop applications. Here are a few screen shots. For more examples, see the PySimpleGUI gallery.
Whether you are a Hobbyist User or Commercial User, you can start using PySimpleGUI at no cost. To get started with a 30-day trial period, first install Python and then
python -m pip install pysimplegui
and run some code, like
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [ [sg.Text('Hello, world!')] ]
window = sg.Window('Hello Example', layout)
while True:
event, values =
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
(You might need to use python3
instead of python
You can try PySimpleGUI for 30 days, after which you will need to register. Hobbyist users register at no cost, and Commercial Users must buy a license. For more details, see
PySimpleGUI provides extensive documentation. Here are some starting points, depending on your needs and expertise: