Daily accumulation in Android development
About me
- District chief
- District Mayor’s independent blog
- CSDN Blog-District Chief
- githubblog
- Sina Weibo-_District Chief
- Zhihu-District Chief
- [email protected]
HenCoder of Throwing Object Line (Kai Ge)
- Detailed explanation of RxJava for Android developers
- hencoder
- HenCoder: An advanced manual for advanced Android engineers
- Android Development Advanced: Custom View 1-1 Drawing Basics
- Android Development Advanced: Custom View 1-2 Paint Detailed Explanation
- Android Development Advanced: Custom View 1-3 Text Drawing
- Android Development Advanced: Custom View 1-4 Canvas to assist drawing
machine learning
- When Android developers meet TensorFlow
- Don't bother with Python
- TensorFlow exercises
- Tencent/ncnn
input method
- Creating an Input Method
- Image Keyboard Support
- Google Pinyin Input Method Android Studio Project
- Google sample code-full keyboard input method example
- android-keyboard-keys-background
- how-to-change-key-background-of-any-key-in-android-soft-keyboard
- setting-keyboard-key-background-image/
- how-to-change-background-color-of-key-for-android-soft-keyboard
- how-to-change-background-color-or-theme-of-keys-dynamically-in-custom-keyboard-a
- Keyboard.Key
- how-to-set-different-background-of-keys-for-android-custom-keyboard
- building-a-custom-android-keyboard
- android-emoji-keyboard
- creating-a-softkeyboard-with-multiple-alternate-characters-per-key
- Disable preview
- wiki Emoji
- emoji-cheat-sheet
- emoji
- full-emoji-list
network stack
- Chromium Network Stack WolfcsTech
- chromium-net-for-android
- CurlForAndroid
- chromium src
- libuv Chinese tutorial
cross compile
- cmake cross compilation
- Android Gradle Plugin source code analysis externalNativeBuild
- NDK cross-compilation common variables
- Compilation and use of Chromium network stack
- CURL NDK cross compilation
- Android NDK memory leak detection
- libuv NDK cross compilation
- openssl NDK cross compilation
- libnghttp2 NDK cross-compilation
- Some pitfalls in debugging Native code in the Android Studio Library module
- Android uses OpenSSL at the NDK layer for RSA encryption
Spring Boot
- Spring Boot documentation
- spring-boot-samples
- Spring Boot Examples
WeChat applet
- awesome-wechat-weapp
- document
- ide crack
- Things about Https&Http2.0&HttpDNS
- To test whether http2.0 is supported, you need to bypass the firewall
- httpvshttps
- chrome plugin HTTP/2 and SPDY indicator
- HTTP/2 data summary
- Things about HTTP 2.0
- http2-spec
- Starting from the fact that enabling HTTP/2 makes the website inaccessible
- Header Compression for HTTP/2
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2
Android performance optimization
- Android performance optimization videos, documentation, and tools
- Hu Kai-Performance Optimization
- Android best performance practices (1): Properly manage memory
- Android best performance practices (2): Analyze memory usage
- Android Best Performance Practices (3): High-Performance Coding Optimization
- Android Best Performance Practices (4): Layout Optimization Tips
- blockcanary-Easily find out the culprit of Android App interface lag
- Android Splash page opens in seconds Activity white screen Activity black screen
Android Hybrid&JSBridge technology
- A brief discussion on the design and implementation of Hybrid technology
- Talk about App hybrid development
- How to safely call each other between JS and Java in WebView
- Hidden interface dangers in WebView and the use of mobile phone malware
- The principle and implementation of Android JSBridge
React Native and Weex Special Topics
- weex
- Explore the ReactNative communication mechanism deep into the source code
- React Native first screen white screen optimization
- React Native topic series article update (involving basics, components, advanced and open source projects)
- React-native-Android-hot update
- React-Native Study Guide
- Facebook react-native
- React Native: Configuration and Getting Started
- React Native: Packaging for Android
- First experience with React Native For Android
- JianDan-React-Native
- A preliminary study on React Native For Android architecture
- react-native-viewpager
- React Native for Android practice--implementing Zhihu Daily client
- [React Native for Android] jsBridge implementation principle
- It’s not that complicated! Explore the react-native communication mechanism
Android plug-in development and dynamic loading
- 360 RePlugin
- 360 DroidPlugin
- Didi’s VirtualAPK
- Atlas from Mobile Taobao
- Small
- Ctrip DynamicAPK
- Palm Reading - the simplest and easiest to understand Android plug-in patch framework
- OpenAtlas, has been renamed ACDD and can be seen on Taobao Mobile
- dynamic-load-apk
- Meituan subcontracting
- WeChat/Mobile QQ loading solution
- Android Blog Weekly Special Topic "Plug-in Development"
- Fast load dex in memory
- Android Plugin Framework plug-in development framework and sample programs, principle introduction, etc.
- Get the main dex
- Double-open VirtualApp application
- Android Dex subcontracting journey
- ANROID dynamic loading technology series index
Android hot update
- dexposed
- AndFix
- QQ space hot repair
- QQ space hot repair implementation plan
- Nuwa Nuwa
- Android HotPatch from getting started to "giving up"
- Android Patch solution and continuous delivery
- Android N hybrid compilation and analysis of the impact on hot patches
- WeChat Android hot patch practice evolution path
- Hot update of Android hot update so library
- Android aapt implements resource partitioning (supplementary Ctrip aapt source code)
- Android hot fix uses Gradle Plugin1.5 to transform Nuwa plug-in
- Android hot repair Nuwa principle and Gradle plug-in source code analysis
- Tinker_imitator
- ZeusPlugin plug-in framework hot fix gradle plug-in source code
- RocooFix
- Android Classloader Hot Repair Technology: Hundreds of Expertise
- Starting from Instant-Run, talk about hot fixes on Android
- Android hot fix and incremental upgrade, based on WeChat Tinker principle
- Meituan Android Hot Update Solution Robust
- Tencent Tinker
- Meituan Robust
Android hardening and decompilation
- Collection of android decompilation tools
- Apktool
- dex2jar
- DecompileApk
- Research on Android APK reinforcement technology solutions
- Android apk package res resource obfuscation tool
- WeChat resource confusion
- Meituan Android Resource Obfuscation Protection Practice
- Meituan Android resource obfuscation implementation plan
- Apk Shelling Jihad---How to remove the "360 Reinforced" shell
- Android Shelling Jihad---How to take off the protective shell of "Love Encryption"
- One-click generation of project obfuscation code plug-in
- Android Reverse Journey---Detailed Explanation of SO(ELF) File Format
- Android Reverse Journey---Analysis of AndroidManifest file format after compilation
- Android reverse engineering journey --- parsing the compiled Resource.arsc file format
- Android reverse engineering journey---parsing the compiled Dex file format
Android Studio Topics
- View dependency plugins
- IntelliJ IDEA Simplified Chinese Special Tutorial
- Android Studio debugging skills you don’t know
- Things about Android packaging
- idea-live-templates templates
- Method number statistics plug-in, which can be used to count whether the number of methods reaches 65536
- Android-Drawable-Importer plugin
- Bean quick generation plug-in corresponding to GsonFormat Json
- android-selector-chapek Selector generation plug-in
- Quickly generate butterknife annotation plug-in
- android-material-design-icon-generator icon plug-in
- Retrolambda using lambda expression plugin in java 6 7
- Gradle relies on auto-complete plug-in
- idea-markdown editor plug-in
- Declaration plugin to generate View from layout
- Codota code snippet search supports Chrome and Android Studio
- Layout file grouping plugin
- DPI calculation plug-in
- gradle-publish publishing library plug-in
- Publish lib to jcenter
- vysor is a plug-in for Chrome, which can be used on computers and mobile phones.
- android-studio-tips-tricks-moving-around/
- http://www.developerphil.com/android-studio-tips-of-the-day-roundup-1/
- http://www.developerphil.com/android-studio-tips-of-the-day-roundup-2/
- http://www.developerphil.com/android-studio-tips-of-the-day-roundup-3/
- http://www.developerphil.com/android-studio-tips-of-the-day-roundup-4/
- http://www.developerphil.com/android-studio-tips-of-the-day-roundup-5/
- http://www.developerphil.com/android-studio-tips-of-the-day-roundup-6/
- Android Studio plug-in development
- Android SDK mirror server construction
- Android Studio plug-ins organized 48
RxJava&&RxAndroid&&agera learning resources
- RxJava Github address
- RxAndroid Github address
- RxJava Chinese document translation
- Awesome-RxJava
- Observe on the correct thread
- Detailed explanation of RxJava for Android developers
- The mystery of RxJava (1) - the most basic observer pattern
- The Mystery of RxJava (2) - Magic Lift
- The mystery of RxJava (3) - Thread switching
- The mystery of RxJava (3) update - thread switching (2)
- The mystery of RxJava (3) update 2 - the difference between subscribeOn and observeOn
- The mystery of RxJava (4) - The basic relationship between Retrofit and RxJava
- android-agera
- agera
- Best practices for combining RxJava with Retrofit
- Mastered a new skill - breakpoint debugging Gradle plug-in
- Android Gradle Plugin source code analysis externalNativeBuild
- Android Gradle Plugin source code reading and compilation
- A little practice of Gradle function reuse
- Gradle for Android
- Google Gradle official documentation
- Android Gradle build system·Initial exploration
- Gradle series starts with init.gradle
- In-depth understanding of Gradle for Android
Excellent content and tools worth watching in Android development
- Multi-channel v2 signature wall
- androidcat
- ADB usage guide
- Check code using CheckStyle
- Illustrated Retrofit - ServiceMethod
- OkHttp3 source code analysis-overview
- A complete list of Android process keep-alive tricks
- 08/07 Beijing GDG Android Meetup event review, handouts, photos
- Java source code generation (Square JavaWriter)
- A collection of android Architecture articles
- Use Hexo and Coding Pages to build a static blog under OS X
- Android system source code viewing, supports online tracking of references
- Jia Jixin
- TraceView performance optimization tool usage
- network-connection-class
- Alibaba technical articles
- Things about Android packaging
- InfoQAndroid Weekly Report
- Development technology frontline
- Introduction to Meituan Android DEX automatic unpacking and dynamic loading
- Android official training course Chinese version
- An open source project that regularly translates foreign high-quality Android technology, open source libraries, software architecture design, testing and other articles
- Android Guides
- Android open source project source code analysis
- Android image processing tutorial
- Android open source project classification summary
- Pitfalls encountered during development
- Android open source exchange
- Simple implementation of Android's famous open source library
- Exchange and discussion on Android issues, most of which are interview questions
- android design patterns
- Android National Job Listings
- fuck-2014-flirt-2015
- AndroidDevTools development related materials download
- android-best-practicesbest practices
- java design patterns
- Android best practice examples
- The most detailed summary of the interaction between Java and JavaScript in Android
- How to color drawable
- Backward compatibility scheme for Drawable shading
- Awesome-MaterialDesign
- Android interview questionsInterviewQuestion
- awesome-android
- Retrofit related articles
- Lite Android
- Bugly Blog
- nuggets
Android network layer (including pictures)
- okhttp
- retrofit
- picasso
- Volley
- fresco
- Android-Universal-Image-Loader
- robospice
- android-async-http
- Fast-Android-Networking
Android orm framework, the most commonly used ones are GreenDao and Ormlite
- greenDAO
- ORMLite
- ActiveAndroid
- SugarORM
- Siminov
- androrm
- cupboard
- realm
Android Json parsing
- Gson, simple to use, slow
- fastjson, known as the fastest
- jackson
Android unit testing
- Android unit testing using Mockito and Roboletric
- Robolectric
Android open source software
- A third-party open source Weibo
- Android-related dry stuff (digests, famous blogs, github, etc.)
- Third-party github client
- Open source Chinese software series
- weight profile
- Simplifyreader
- Xiyuanfang
Android development aids
- Charles from beginner to proficient
- Google Play APK Downloader
- slideshare
- Codota code snippet search supports Chrome and Android Studio
- vysor is a plug-in for Chrome, which can be used on computers and mobile phones.
- Browser extension to display GitHub code in tree format
- Google hosts circumvent the wall, ignore those with vpn
- Open Source China Online Tools
- BaiduApiStore
- Vim plugin
- OCD Mac Setup Guide
- Linux-Tutorial
- Markdown-Syntax-CN
- insight chrome code viewing plug-in
Android push (including IM)
- Environmental messaging, supports real-time audio and video
- Tencent Cloud Communication supports real-time audio and video
- Aurora push and IM
- personal recommendation
- Xiaomi push belongs to the system service framework on MIUI and shares system-level long connections.
- Baidu cloud push, some models cannot receive push, such as Xiaomi, it is unknown whether the bug has been fixed
- Tencent pigeon push
- Umeng push
- leancloud
- bmob cloud push, including IM
- Mogujie TeamTalk
- Openfire+Smack open source Xmpp solution
Android backend and other services
- parse, the disadvantage is that the server is abroad and the speed is slow.
- leancloud, domestic, imitation parse
- Bmob backend cloud
- Qiniu Cloud Storage
- apicloud
Android application internal testing platform
- Dandelion, closed beta application
- Fir.im, closed beta application
Android social sharing, SMS verification, feedback, payment, etc.
- Youmeng, social analysis, feedback
- Sharesdk, social analysis
- Ping++, pay
- bmob payment, Bmob provides a unified and formal charging method for developers, allowing individual developers without corporate certification to charge users through Alipay and WeChat
- Ronglian Cloud Communications
Libraries worth paying attention to in Android development
- Timed tasks & planned tasks-Evernote android-job
- AndroidHttpCapture capture packets on mobile phone
- Method automatically generated
- A spider web rating control on Android
- ReLinker's method of safely loading so libraries
- SugarTask
- sync adapter
- Android Weak Handler prevents memory leaks
- Android Priority Job Queue asynchronous task scheduling
- android-priority-jobqueue
- Android dialog
- Extended RecyclerView, with multiple operations such as adding headers and bottoms
- MaterialDesign related libraries
- Swipe right to return to SwipeBackLayout
- Percent layout
- EventBus
- ObservableScrollView
- Tool library less code, more efficient for android
- universal adapter
- android-log
- NineOldAndroids
- BadgeView
- CircleImageView
- CustomShapeImageView
- SweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog
- android-pulltorefresh
- SlidingMenu
- ViewPagerIndicator
- An animation collection library
- FontAwesome for Android
- RecyclerView made simple
- jsoup library (java)
- android-wheel
- xUtils
- android-common
- zxing
- Commonly used arrangements for Android development
- Left sliding particle deletion effect
- JSON Server: Quickly "fake" REST API with zero coding
- owncloud
- Android_Data (Android learning data collection)
Android resources related
- Drawable icons for each version of Android
- FontAwesome font icon android string
- Color system
- color library
- IconFinderIcon Resource
- Alibaba vector
- icomoon
- AndroidAssetStudio
- Android Holo Color Generator
- Android Action Bar Style Generator
- Online.9.png image generator
- Android button online production tool
- Theme.xml Properties
- Mobile APP cloud computing platform Parse
- Git tutorial
- Automate deployment with Git Hooks
- Git Workflow Guide: Forking Workflow
- realm-java
- couchbase-lite-android
- SimpleNoSQL
- SnappyDB
Design website, you can find some cool design drafts
- https://dribbble.com/
- http://pttrns.com/
- http://capptivate.co/
Foreign personal blog
- Jakewharton
- Romain Guy
- Cyril Mottier
- Mark Allison
- Daniel Lew
- Ravi Tamada
- Chris Nash
- [email protected]
- Wolfram Rittmeyer
- Rich Hyndman
Some excellent foreign websites
- androidweekly.net
- Android Developers Blog
- vogella
- tutorialspoint
- tutsplus
- oderzheaven
- thenewcircle
- coreservlets
- Droid-Blog
- coursera.org
- commonsware.com
- http://android.amberfog.com/
- anddev
Ibeacon is related to Bluetooth 4.0
- An ibeacon interaction library
- AprilBeacon-Android-sdk
- Estimote SDK
- Bluetooth 4.0 related
WEB and front-end related
- yii
- yiibooster
- wechat-php-sdk
- php_sae_storage
- Bootstrap
- Font-Awesome font icon
- sublime browser prefix plug-in
- a gesture library
- bootstrap-filestyle
- CMS system based on Codeigniter