Part one:
- Android basics
- Android memory leak summary
- Handler memory leak analysis and solution
- Basic process analysis of Handler, Looper, Message and MessageQueue
- Android performance optimization
- ListView detailed explanation
- Similarities and differences between RecyclerView and ListView
- AsyncTask source code analysis
- plug-in technology
- Custom controls
- event distribution mechanism
- ANR problem
- The difference between Art and Dalvik
- Android solutions to OOM
- Fragment
- Activity&Fragment
- SurfaceView
- Android several processes
- APP startup process
- Activity startup process and interface display process
- Image third-level cache
- Analysis and use of Bitmap
- The principle of hot repair
- Binder mechanism
- Startup process of Zygote and System processes
- MVC, MVP and MVVM in Android
- Android boot process
- Retrofit source code analysis
- Glide source code analysis
- Detailed explanation of EventBus usage
- EventBus source code analysis
- Android ORM framework greenDAO usage experience
- Data Binding User Guide
- RxJava
- Design a picture asynchronous loading cache solution
- Android UI adaptation
- Gradle
- Check for omissions and fill in the gaps
- Git operations
part two
part three
- DataStructure(data structure)
- array
- linked list
- stacks and queues
- string
- Tree
- picture
- Algorithm(algorithm)
- sort
- selection sort
- bubble sort
- Quick sort
- merge sort
- Summary of the top ten sorting algorithms in interviews
- Find
- sequential search
- half search
- "Sword Pointer Offer"
- Interview question 2: Implement Singleton pattern
- Interview question 6: Reconstruct a binary tree
- Interview question 11: Integer powers of numerical values
- Interview Question 44: Poker Straight
- Interview question 45: The last remaining number in the circle
- "Programmer Interview Guide"
- 《LeetCode》
- "Programmer Code Interview Guide (Zuo Chengyun)"
- 1. Design a stack with getMin function
- 2. A queue composed of two stacks
- 3. How to reverse a stack using only recursive functions and stack operations
Part 4
- Network
- Socket
- Summary of computer network basics
- OperatingSystem(operating system)
Part 5
Part Six
- InterviewExperience(Interview experience)
- Alibaba
- Meituan
- Wandoujia
- Dragonfly FM
- Sina Weibo
- NetEase Hangyan
If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected]
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Tao Cheng
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