gitee address: xJavaFxTool
GitHub address: xJavaFxTool
Tencent Cloud Development Platform Address: xJavaFxTool
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xJavaFxTool is a practical small tool set developed using javaFx. I use my spare time to summarize some problems encountered at work and package it into a small tool set for everyone's reference and use. It contains examples of some functions of javaFx, such as layout, Students who want to learn javaFx can refer to some common functions such as internationalization, third-party UI libraries controlsfx, JFoenix, etc., and external jar package loading (plug-in mechanism). For information on learning javaFx, please refer to
Due to the popularity of SpringBoot, the project has released the SpringBoot-javafx version, xJavaFxTool-spring is welcome to refer to, thank you.
For plug-in development and examples, please see the open source project xJavaFxTool-plugin. At present, small tools have been split into each module plug-in and loaded on demand to reduce the size of the jar package. Put the plug-in jar package in the root directory libs to automatically load it;
serial number | English name | Chinese name | Introduction |
1 | FileCopy | File copy | Perform quick copy and move operations between system files, support automatic scheduling copy function, use quartz tool |
2 | CronExpBuilder | Cron expression generator | cron expression rapid generation and parsing test tool |
3 | CharacterConverter | transcoding | Commonly used character set encodings and conversion tools between hexadecimal systems |
4 | EncryptAndDecrypt | Encryption and decryption | Ascii, Hex, Base64, Base32, URL, MD5, SHA, AES, DES, file encryption DM5, file encryption SHA1, Morse code, Druid encryption, using commons-codec tool class |
5 | TimeTool | Time conversion | Common format conversion (including time zone), time difference calculation, time superposition calculation |
6 | LinuxPathToWindowsPath | path conversion | To convert path formats between Linux and Windows systems, use the oshi tool |
7 | QRCodeBuilder | QR code generation tool | Automatically generate, add logo, screenshot recognition, and customize formats using tools such as google.zxing and jkeymaster |
8 | IdCardGenerator | ID card generator | ID card serial number automatic generator |
9 | RegexTester | Regular expression generation tool | Regular expression rapid generation and testing verification tool |
10 | ShortURL | URL shortener | Currently supports Baidu, Sina, Jiuwo and other short URL shortening |
11 | EscapeCharacter | escape character | Supports conversion between Html, XML, Java, JavaScript, CSV, and Sql, using the commons-lang3 tool |
12 | ZHConverter | String conversion | Achieve direct conversion of Pinyin, Simplified-Traditional, Simplified-Taiwan Traditional, Simplified-Hong Kong Traditional, Traditional-Taiwan Traditional, Traditional-Hong Kong Traditional, Hong Kong Traditional-Taiwan Traditional, numerical amount-uppercase amount, etc., using the hanlp open source tool |
13 | ActiveMqTool | Mq debugging tool | Currently only supports ActiveMq |
14 | HttpTool | HTTP debugging tools | Support custom sending data, headers and cookies, use okhttp |
15 | jsonEditor | json formatting editing tool | Quickly format json files |
16 | IconTool | Icon generation tool | Quickly generate icons of commonly used sizes, support adding watermarks and rounded corners, and use the thumbnailator tool |
17 | RedisTool | Redis connection tool | The redis connection tool completes the basic addition, deletion, modification and query functions of redis. |
18 | WebSourcesTool | Web source code download tool | You can download the relevant content and resources of the corresponding web page according to the URL. |
19 | SwitchHostsTool | Switch Hosts tool | You can quickly edit the contents of the hosts file using the richtextfx tool. |
20 | FtpServer | Ftp server | Quickly build a local Ftp service based on apache.ftpserver |
twenty one | CmdTool | Cmd debugging tool | Perform cmd command operation testing and scheduling execution |
twenty two | FtpClientTool | Ftp client debugging tool | Perform ftp(s)/Sftp batch upload, download, delete files and folders, support implicit/explicit SSL/TLS protocol, use tools such as jsch and commons-io |
twenty three | PdfConvertTool | PDF conversion tool | Currently, only pdf to image and pdf to text functions are supported. Use the pdfbox tool. |
twenty four | DirectoryTreeTool | file list generator | Quickly generate directory structure pictures for project display instructions |
25 | ImageTool | Image compression tool | Supports batch compression, size modification, format conversion, etc. of images |
26 | AsciiPicTool | Image transcoding tool | Supports generating banner code from images, converting images to Base64 code, and converting images to Excel tables |
27 | KafkaTool | Kafka debugging tools | (Not perfect), using kafka-clients |
28 | EmailTool | Email sending tool | Supports email sending of various protocols and customized mass sending templates, using the commons-email tool |
29 | ColorCodeConverterTool | Color code conversion tool | Convert colors including hexadecimal, RGB, ARGB, RGBA, HSL, HSV and other codes |
30 | SmsTool | SMS bulk sending tool | Send text messages in batches, currently supporting China Mobile, China Telecom, Tencent Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Montnets Cloud Communications and other platforms |
31 | ScriptEngineTool | Script engine debugging tool | Execute various script commands, currently supporting JavaScript, Groovy, Python, Lua and other scripts, using tools such as groovy, jython, luaj and so on |
32 | FileRenameTool | File renaming tool | Customized quick rename operation for files |
33 | JsonConvertTool | Json conversion tool | Currently supports Json to Xml, Json to Java entity class, Json to C# entity class, Json to Excel, Json to Yaml, Properties to Yaml, Yaml to Properties, using fastjson, snakeyaml, dom4j |
34 | WechatJumpGameTool | WeChat Tiaoyitiao Assistant | Assistance to WeChat Tiaoyitiao game |
35 | TextToSpeechTool | Voice conversion tool | Call Baidu voice conversion API to convert the string into voice format and read it aloud |
36 | 2048 | Minigame 2048 | Mini game 2048javafx version |
37 | SocketTool | Socket debugging tools | Using Apache Mina |
38 | ImageAnalysisTool | Image analysis tool | 1. Anti-analysis of .atlas files 2. Quick image splitting tool |
39 | DecompilerWxApkgTool | WeChat applet decompilation tool | One-click decompile WeChat applet package |
40 | ZookeeperTool | Zookeeper tool | Convenient for a series of operations on zookeeper, including adding, modifying, deleting (including sub-files), renaming, copying, and adding change notifications |
41 | ExcelSplitTool | Excel Split Tool | Supports splitting operations on xls, xlsx, csv and files, using the commons-csv tool |
42 | PathWatchTool | Folder monitoring tool | Supports monitoring operations on folders, including monitoring of new, modified, and deleted operations |
43 | CharsetDetectTool | File encoding detection tool | To detect and identify file encoding, use the juniversalchardet tool |
44 | TransferTool | transfer tool | Integrate various transmission protocols, use custom scheduled tasks (simple mode, cron expression mode), divided into Receiver, Filter processor and Sender |
45 | ScanPortTool | Port scanning tool | Quickly test the connectivity of commonly used ports and custom ports |
46 | FileMergeTool | file merge tool | Supports merging operations on xls, xlsx, csv and files, using the apache.poi tool |
47 | SedentaryReminderTool | Sedentary Reminder Tool | Customizable countdown reminder function |
48 | RandomGeneratorTool | Random number generation tool | Quickly generate various types of random numbers using the hutool tool |
49 | ClipboardHistoryTool | Clipboard History Tool | Record clipboard history function |
50 | FileSearchTool | File search tool | Quickly establish disk file index to achieve fast search function, use Lucene search engine |
51 | Mp3ConvertTool | Mp3 conversion tool | Currently, NetEase Cloud Music .ncm and QQ Music .qmc are supported to be converted to mp3 format using the jaudiotagger tool. |
52 | SealBuilderTool | Seal generation tool | Quickly generate personalized seals in multiple styles and fonts |
53 | BullsAndCowsGame | Guess the number game | Ancient code-breaking puzzle game |
54 | FileUnicodeTransformationTool | File encoding conversion tool | Quickly implement batch conversion of file encodings |
55 | FileCompressTool | File decompression tool | Decompress files, currently supporting ar, zip, tar, jar, cpio, 7z, gz, rar, bzip2, xz, lzma, pack200, deflate, snappy-framed, lz4-block, lz4-framed, zstd and other formats Unzip |
56 | IdiomDataTool | Idiom Dictionary Tool | Can quickly index idioms in multiple modes, and use h2 database to store data dictionary |
57 | Sudoku | sudoku game | Puzzle Sudoku game javafx version |
58 | LiteappCode | Mini program code generation tool | Quickly generate small program code |
59 | RdbmsSyncTool | Relational database synchronization tool | Complete the acquisition of relational database table structure, quickly execute some common database scripts, and support direct data transfer and synchronization of multiple types of databases. |
60 | FileBuildTool | File generation tool | Quickly generate files in batches based on custom templates for testing use |
61 | LuytenTool | Java decompilation tool | Decompile the jar package using the open source project luyten |
62 | JavaService | Java service installation tool | Install the java program into the windows service, reference the service, and use the open source project winsw |
63 | ElementaryArithmeticProblemTool | Arithmetic question generation tool for primary school students | Tool for generating answers to mixed operation addition, subtraction, multiplication and division math training questions for primary school students |
64 | CoordinateTransformTool | Coordinate system conversion tool | Provides conversion between Baidu coordinates (BD09), National Bureau of Surveying coordinates (Mars coordinates, GCJ02), and WGS84 coordinate systems |
65 | HdfsTool | hdfs management tools | HDFS visual management tool, supports upload, download, rename, copy, move and delete functions |
66 | JavaFxXmlToObjectCode | javaFxFxml conversion code | Generate corresponding java code based on the .fxml file and generate plug-in templates |
67 | KeyTool | KeyTool | license generation tool |
68 | RelationshipCalculator | Relativeship calculator | Function to calculate title through kinship chain |
69 | ExpressionParserTool | Expression parser debugging tool | An expression parser debugging tool that currently supports SpringEL, Velocity, FreeMarker, StringTemplate, Mvel, Aviator, commons-jexl, BeanShell, QLExpress and other expression engines |
70 | mybatis-generator-gui | Mybatis code generation tool | This tool allows you to easily and quickly generate Mybatis Java POJO files and database Mapping files. |
The project is under development, and new tools will be added gradually in the future. Everyone is welcome to participate and provide comments. Thank you.
├─ images 项目截图
├─ pom.xml maven配置文件
├─ 说明文件
├─ src
│ ├─ main
│ │ ├─ java
│ │ │ └─ com
│ │ │ └─ xwintop
│ │ │ └─ xJavaFxTool
│ │ │ ├─ common 第三方工具类
│ │ │ ├─ controller javafx控制层
│ │ │ │ └─ index 首页控制层
│ │ │ ├─ model 基础bean类层
│ │ │ ├─ services 工具服务层
│ │ │ │ └─ index 首页工具服务层
│ │ │ ├─ utils 系统工具类
│ │ │ └─ view javafx视图层
│ │ │ └─ index 首页工具视图层
│ │ └─ resources
│ │ ├─ com
│ │ │ └─ xwintop
│ │ │ └─ xJavaFxTool
│ │ │ └─ fxmlView .fxml文件
│ │ ├─ config 配置文件
│ │ │ └─ toolFxmlLoaderConfiguration.xml 系统菜单加载配置文件
│ │ ├─ css 样式资源
│ │ ├─ images 图片资源
│ │ ├─ locale 国际化
│ │ ├─ banner.txt 启动banner图片
│ │ └─ logback.xml logback日志配置文件
│ └─ test 测试类
│ ├─ java
│ └─ resources
When a person is still young, I think one should start working on doing something meaningful to society, just like open source. At this point, thanks to the following contributors (in no particular order):
From time to time, we will add pain point tools that summarize the needs during the development process. If you have any pain points at work, you can join the group to discuss. Corresponding tool solutions may be developed later. Thank you for your support.