Peergos is building the next web - the private web, where end users are in control. Imagine web apps being secure by default and unable to track you. Imagine being able to control exactly what personal data each web app can see. Imagine never having to log in to an app ever again. You own your data and decide where it is stored and who can see it. At Peergos, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right and we want to make it easy for everyone to interact online in ways that respect this right.
The foundation of Peergos is a peer-to-peer encrypted global filesystem with fine-grained access control designed to be resistant to surveillance of data content or friendship graphs. It has a secure messenger, an encrypted email client and bridge, and a totally private and secure social network, where users are in control of who sees what (executed cryptographically). Our motto at Peergos is, "Control your data, control your destiny."
The name Peergos comes from the Greek word Πύργος (Pyrgos), which means stronghold or tower, but phonetically spelt with the nice connection to being peer-to-peer. Pronunciation: peer-goss (as in gossip).
See more screenshots in the web-ui repository
Want to try it out now? Here's a read-only secret link to a folder;
We run a server at There are a limited number of free accounts available. You can upgrade to a paid account to get more storage.
You can read more detail about our features and architecture in our tech book.
To see recent developments read the latest release notes or see our web-ui repo releases.
The slides of a talk introducing Peergos are here
Deep dive at IPFS Camp 2024
Deep dive at Devstaff Crete:
Overview at IPFS Thing:
Applications on Peergos:
Applications deep dive:
Architecture talk at IPFS Lab Day:
Introduction and 2020 update:
If you would like to support Peergos development, then please make a
recurring donation less than 100 EUR per week
or a
larger or one off donation.
Cure53 conducted an audit of Peergos in June 2019. The final report is here.
There is a public chat room for Peergos on Matrix.
1.0 Layers of architecture
2.0 Language
3.0 Nodes
4.0 Trust
4.0 Logging in
5.0 Encryption
5.1 Post-quantum encryption
6.0 Friend network
7.0 Sharing of a file (with another user, through a secret link, or publicly)
Use this method to login to a peergos account on another instance without any reliance on DNS or the TLS certificate authorities.
Download a release from
Install Java - You will need Java >= 17 installed.
Run Peergos with:
java -jar Peergos.jar daemon
All the peergos data will be stored in ~/.peergos by default, which can be overridden with the environment var or arg - PEERGOS_PATH.
You can then access the web interface and login via http://localhost:8000.
In this mode of operation all your writes are proxied directly to your home server. The local instance caches any blocks you access for faster subsequent access.
Use this method to run a new home-server (which is best with a publicly routable IP, and always on machine) to create accounts on or migrate accounts to.
Download a release from
Install Java - You will need Java >= 17 installed.
Run Peergos with:
java -jar Peergos.jar daemon -generate-token true
Ensure you can listen on a public IP address
Some cloud hosts don't add your public ip to the network interfaces by default. For these cases you may need to run something like
sudo ip address add MY.PUBLIC.IP dev eth0
All the peergos data will be stored in ~/.peergos by default, which can be overridden with the environment var or arg - PEERGOS_PATH
You can then access the web interface and signup via the localhost address printed, which includes a single use signup token.
The config is stored in $PEERGOS_PATH/config, so for subsequent runs you can just use the following unless you want to override any config
java -jar Peergos.jar daemon
Note that whichever Peergos server you sign up through (your home server) will be storing your data, so if you don't intend on leaving your Peergos server running permanently, then we recommend signing up on and then you can log in through a local Peergos instance and all your data will magically end up on the server. Peergos can work behind NATs and firewalls, but we recommend using a server with a public IP. If you want to expose your web interface publicly you will need to arrange a domain name and TLS certificates (we recommend using nginx and letsencrypt).
If you don't set up a domain name and TLS you can still log in to your account from another Peergos instance, e.g. one you run locally on your laptop - connections are routed securely over P2P TLS1.3 streams to your home server. In this case, any writes are proxied to your home server so your data is always persisted there. If you do expose your instance via a DNS name and TLS certificate, you will need to add this parameter:
-public-server true
If you are also using a reverse proxy like nginx to terminate TLS you will need to tell peergos which domain you are using with the following arg:
-public-domain $YOUR_DOMAIN
And the TLS certificate will also need to cover the wildcard subdomain for the applications (like the PDF viewer, text editor, calendar, and custom 3rd party apps) to work. For example, it should have A records that cover $YOUR_DOMAIN and *.$YOUR_DOMAIN
If you are using a reverse proxy like nginx to terminate TLS here is a good example of the nginx config file (replace $YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME):
# Peergos server config
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
location ^~ /.well-known {
allow all;
# redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS with a 301 Moved Permanently response.
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
server {
# SSL configuration
listen 443 ssl http2;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
ssl_session_timeout 10m;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/$YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/$YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME/privkey.pem;
add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" always;
server_name $YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME;
client_max_body_size 2M;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
allow all;
# pass through for letsencrypt
location ^~ /.well-known {
allow all;
Follow the instructions for self hosting but add the following parameters (either on the command line, or in the .peergos/config file after first run):
-use-s3 true
-authed-s3-reads true
-direct-s3-writes true
-s3.accessKey $ACCESS_KEY
-s3.bucket $BUCKET
-s3.region $REGION
-s3.region.endpoint $ENDPOINT (e.g.
-s3.secretKey #SECRET_KEY
N.B. Minio seems to have some issues, so with Minio use: -authed-s3-reads false -direct-s3-writes false
You will also need to set the cors.xml for the bucket to the following:
Follow the instructions for self hosting but add the following parameters (either on the command line, or in the .peergos/config file after first run):
-use-postgres true
-postgres.database $DATABASE $HOST
-postgres.password $PASSWORD
-postgres.username $USERNAME
There are a range of commands available from a command line. You can run -help to find the available commands or details on any command or sub-command. Most users should only need the daemon and shell commands, and maybe identity or fuse. You can use the migrate command to move all your data to a new server (where the command is run).
>> java -Djava.library.path=native-lib -jar Peergos.jar -help
Main: Run a Peergos command
Sub commands:
daemon: The user facing Peergos server
shell: An interactive command-line-interface to a Peergos server
fuse: Mount a Peergos user's filesystem natively
quota: Manage quota of users on this server
server-msg: Send and receive messages to/from users of this server
gateway: Serve websites directly from Peergos
migrate: Move a Peergos account to this server
identity: Create or verify an identity proof
ipfs: Install, configure and start IPFS daemon
pki: Start the Peergos PKI Server that has already been bootstrapped
pki-init: Bootstrap and start the Peergos PKI Server
>> java -Djava.library.path=native-lib -jar Peergos.jar identity -help
identity: Create or verify an identity proof
Sub commands:
link: Link your Peergos identity to an account on another service.
verify: Verify an identity link post from another service.
To mirror all of your data on another server first run the following command (on any instance):
java -jar Peergos.jar mirror init -username $username
It will ask for your password and then print three parameters you need to supply to the mirror daemon.
Then run daemon, on the instance you want to mirror your data, with the following additional args provided by the init command.
java -jar Peergos.jar daemon -mirror.username $username -mirror.bat $mirrorBat -login-keypair $loginKeypair
This will then continuously mirror that user's data on this instance.
To migrate to another server first ensure you have sufficient quota on it, then run the migrate command on it.
java -jar Peergos.jar migrate
It will ask for your username and password, mirror all your data locally, and then update the PKI to make this your home server.
After migration, your identity is unchanged, all links to your data continue to work, and you keep your social graph without needing to tell anyone.
Various operation can be done using the shell.
java -jar Peergos.jar shell
To connect to a server you will need to provide the Server address (including http/https), Username and Password.
Enter Server address
Enter username
> demo
Enter password for 'demo'
> **************************************
Generating keys
Logging in
Retrieving Friends
demo@ >
To show all available commands
demo@ > help
Hint: The following command might be useful to do an initial upload for larger folders.
put local_path remote_path
There is a bi-directional sync client that will let you sync a native directory with a peergos directory (or several pairs of directories). To set this up first run:
>> java -jar Peergos.jar sync init -peergos-url
And follow the prompts to enter your username, password and the peergos dir you want to sync with. This will output something like:
>> Run the sync dir command with the following args: -links secret/z59vuwzfFDomTEuyeEw7rkofcd2vt5EnVffmAy5fnQe9V9MG36ZiBVY/3615659421#QUq6mf4gz8uk -local-dirs $LOCAL_DIR
Then to run the sync client with:
>> java -jar Peergos.jar sync dir -peergos-url -links secret/z59vuwzfFDomTEuyeEw7rkofcd2vt5EnVffmAy5fnQe9V9MG36ZiBVY/3615659421#QUq6mf4gz8uk -local-dirs /path/to/local/dir
You can mount your Peergos space with the following command
>> java -Djava.library.path=native-lib -jar Peergos.jar fuse -peergos-url -username $username -password $password
Install osxfuse with
>> brew install --cask osxfuse
Install winfsp with
>> choco install winfsp
You can run a local webdav bridge which allows you to access your Peergos files with any webdav compatible client. Run the following command (choose an arbitrary webdav username and password):
>> java -Djava.library.path=native-lib -jar Peergos.jar webdav -peergos-url -username $username -PEERGOS_PASSWORD $password -webdav.username $webdav-username -PEERGOS_WEBDAV_PASSWORD $webdav-password
Requires jdk17 and ant to build. Use the following to install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install ant
sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk
brew install ant # installs openjdk as a dependency
ant -version
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.8 compiled on May 10 2020
Note that this doesn't include any web ui, for the full build including the web interface build
ant dist
ant gwtc
You need to have ant-optional installed:
sudo apt-get install ant-optional
Nothing additional is needed for the ant package on macOS.
Running tests will install and configure the correct version of IPFS automatically, run the daemon, and terminate it afterwards.
ant test
The ant compile
target will only compile sources in src/peergos/{client,server,shared} folders.