Implementation of Android WebView loading PDF files. The principle is to build a website locally in the app, and then use WebView to load the website. The website can load and display PDF. The principle of the website is also implemented using the js framework. (Suddenly I feel that JS is omnipotent - -).
There is also an open source library for Android to implement PDF reading, which is mainly developed and implemented using ndk. The main development language is C. Address: https://github.com/muennich/mupdf.
WebView webView = ( WebView ) findViewById ( R . id . web_view );
WebSettings settings = webView . getSettings ();
// 开启 javascript 功能;原因:站点采用了 javascript
settings . setJavaScriptEnabled ( true );
// 这句解决本地跨域问题,如果你的 PDF 文件在站点里,是不需要的,但是,我们一般情况是加载站点外部 PDF 文件
settings . setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs ( true );
// demo code
* "file:///android_asset/pdf-website/index.html?pdf="这里是固定的,当然 `pdf-website`
* 取决于开发者自己目录名称
* 参数:pdf = 这里是 PDF 文件路径
webView . loadUrl ( "file:///android_asset/pdf-website/index.html?pdf=../pdf/packt-gradle-for-android.pdf" );