MediathekViewWeb is a simple browser interface for accessing the MediathekView project's movie list.
In contrast to MediathekView, MediathekViewWeb does not require installing a program or downloading a film list; the search is therefore immediately available in the browser. Since the query is carried out on the server, the requirements for the end device (browser) are minimal, and because no Java needs to be installed, the website can also be used on smartphones and tablets.
"!ard" shows all ARD contributions.
"#sport" shows all contributions from all broadcasters on the topic of "sport".
"+sign language" shows all posts that contain "sign language" in the title.
"*Norway" shows all posts from all channels that contain "Norway" in the description.
"!ard #wetter" shows all ARD contributions on the topic of "weather".
"#doku +weltall" shows all contributions from all broadcasters in the topic "Doku" that contain "Weltall" in the title.
“#tagesschau *klima” shows all “Tagesschau” contributions that contain “climate” in the description.
">60" shows posts that last longer than 60 minutes. The operator "<" is supported analogously.
Downloads of ORF and SRF contributions in MediathekViewWeb only bring up an m3u8 file. This is because these broadcasters no longer offer entire videos, but only HLS streams. You can watch (stream) these on the website, but you can't download anything useful.
The Java desktop client MediathekView or universal downloaders such as yt-dlp (contrary to the name, which can do much more than just YouTube) or VLC as described in the next section can help here.
The VLC player offers the opportunity to both view and save the streams with the .m3u8 ending on the computer. First, the corresponding link must be copied to the clipboard. If the "Advanced Control" was activated in the View menu item in VLC, additional buttons are available, the red one is for recording and saving, this works for example. B. also with live streams.
In the open player you can now use CTRL(STRG)-V to take the link from the clipboard and start the recording by clicking on the red button. The film can also be viewed. In this case, the recording must be given the appropriate file name after it is finished.
Another option for saving is via the following option: Media > Open network stream > Take link from clipboard > click on the arrow next to the Play button and select Convert/Save: Enter the file name in the Select target file field and send > Start. This procedure can be simplified using the standard shortkeys (note, they can be changed): CTRL-N > Apply link > ALT-O > Enter target file name > Start.
When you use the record button, the video is saved in the standard video directory of the operating system.