The clean and shiny search bar that does what UISearchBar does only with dirty hacks. This view is designed to tackle the customization limits of UISearchBar. The difference here is that this class does not inherit UISearchBar but composes a new UIView object by using a UITextField that is much easier to use. These are the limits of the UISearchBar:
Since I use a UITextField these restrictions do not apply.
In Xcode open your target list and select your project. Click the tab Swift Packages
and there the small +
icon. Enter the URL of this repository,
select the version you want to install - usually the preset is okay - and
Since SHSearchBar uses localized resources I dropped CocoaPods support in favor of SPM from version 2.0.0
Please integrate the package via SPM (see above).
Since SHSearchBar uses localized resources I dropped Carthage support in favor of SPM from version 2.0.0
Please integrate the package via SPM (see above).
The repo includes an example project. It shows shows different use cases of
the search bar. To run it, just open and run ./Example/SHSearchBarExample.xcodeproj
. The following images show some
use cases:
You can show a custom placeholder like for normal text fields:
And you can even type text into that searchbar:
Wow there are customizable accessory views too:
Easily customize text and cancel button as you want:
You can customize each corner radius of the text field so that layouts like this become an ease:
The inner text field supports the new iOS 10 'textContentMode':
(Re-uses the address searched in Apple Maps before)
You can use the search bar inside a UINavigationBar:
The code documentation is generated and hosted by Swift Package Index (powered by DocC)
To release this Swift package the following steps have to be taken:
bash <(curl -H -s
to update to the latest shared development filesbundle update
to update all Ruby gemsbundle exec fastlane release framework:"SHSearchBar" version:"x.y.z"
to release the new versionSHSearchBar release x.y.z ?
▸ SHSearchBar (x.y.z) successfully published
▸ ? September 2nd
▸ ?
▸ ?
▸ ? Tell your friends!
#spm #search #ios #apple #xcode #uisearchbar #swiftpackagemanager
Stefan Herold • ? @Blackjacxxx
Thanks to all of you who are part of this:
SHSearchBar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.