I am used to using various navigation homepages, and the screen is filled with all kinds of endless advertisements and information; try to write your own homepage. It’s neither a mirror nor a proxy, just use it as a browser homepage, supporting adaptive screens.
(Picture effect, please refer to the actual page)
PHP version: https://5iux.cn/
html+js+css version (I wrote a new one, check it out when I have time): https://github.com/5iux/5iux.github.io
The icon calls Alibaba’s icon https://www.iconfont.cn/
. If you find it troublesome to click and download the local package, you can use font-awesome
in the js version example.
Weather API address
Randomly loaded bing background has been added by default and does not need to be deleted deliberately in index.php;
If you use a custom background, you can delete the bing background and add the following code to the page:
< style >
body{background:url("https://cn.bing.com//th?id=OHR.HuntsMesa_JA-JP3140979616_1920x1080.jpg&rf=LaDigue_1920x1080.jpg&pid=hp") no-repeat center/cover;}
</ style >
This is just an example. If you need it, you can change it yourself. If you don’t like php, you can also change it to js;