react native search list
修复iphone X系列导航栏高度适配问题
A searchable ListView which supports Chinese PinYin and alphabetical index.
The following pic may be helpful when understanding the structure and APIs:
$ npm install @unpourtous/react-native-search-list --save
To Use SearchList, need a array of object as data source,and each object has searchStr property, eample code are put in ./entry.js
export default class example extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
dataSource: demoList
// custom render row
renderRow (item, sectionID, rowID, highlightRowFunc, isSearching) {
return (
<Touchable onPress={() => {
Alert.alert('Clicked!', `sectionID: ${sectionID}; item: ${item.searchStr}`,
{text: 'OK', onPress: () => console.log('OK Pressed')},
{cancelable: true})
<View key={rowID} style={{flex: 1, marginLeft: 20, height: rowHeight, justifyContent: 'center'}}>
{/*use `HighlightableText` to highlight the search result*/}
// render empty view when datasource is empty
renderEmpty () {
return (
<View style={styles.emptyDataSource}>
<Text style={{color: '#979797', fontSize: 18, paddingTop: 20}}> No Content </Text>
// render empty result view when search result is empty
renderEmptyResult (searchStr) {
return (
<View style={styles.emptySearchResult}>
<Text style={{color: '#979797', fontSize: 18, paddingTop: 20}}> No Result For <Text
style={{color: '#171a23', fontSize: 18}}>{searchStr}</Text></Text>
<Text style={{color: '#979797', fontSize: 18, alignItems: 'center', paddingTop: 10}}>Please search again</Text>
render () {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<StatusBar backgroundColor='#F00' barStyle='light-content' />
renderBackButton={() => null}
title='Search List Demo'
onClickBack={() => {}}
prop name | type | description | default value |
data | array | The rows of list view.each object should contain searchStr , it will be used for search source. If you have custom row id,you should set searchKey for each object. |
renderRow | number | Render your custom row content. | |
rowHeight | number | The height of the default row content, it will be used for scroll calculate. | 40 |
sectionHeaderHeight | number | The height of section header content. | 24 |
searchListBackgroundColor | string | BackgroundColor for searchList. | #171a23 |
toolbarBackgroundColor | string | Toolbar background color. | #171a23 |
searchBarToggleDuration | number | Custom search bar animation duration. | 300 |
searchBarBackgroundColor | string | Custom search bar background color. | #171a23 |
searchInputBackgroundColor | string | Custom search input default state background color. | |
searchInputBackgroundColorActive | string | Custom search input searching state background color. | |
searchInputPlaceholder | string | Custom search input placeholder text. | |
searchInputPlaceholderColor | string | Custom search input placeholder text color. | |
searchInputTextColor | string | Custom search input default state text color. | |
searchInputTextColorActive | string | Custom search input searching state text color. | |
searchBarBackgroundColor | string | Custom search bar background color. | |
title | string | Toolbar title. | |
titleTextColor | string | Toolbar title text color. | |
cancelTextColor | string | Search bar cancel text color. | |
cancelTitle | string | Search bar cancel text color. | |
sectionIndexTextColor | string | Section index text color. | |
hideSectionList | bool | Whether to hide the alphabetical section listing view or not. | |
renderSectionIndexItem | func | Custom render SectionIndexItem. | |
sortFunc | func | The sort function for the list view data source,sorting alphabetical by default | |
resultSortFunc | func | The sort function for the search result,sorting first match position by default | |
onScrollToSection | func | The callback of alphabetical section view be clicked or touch. | |
renderBackButton | func | Render a custom back buttom on Toolbar. | |
renderEmpty | func | Render a view when data is empty. | |
renderEmptyResult | func | Render a view when search result is empty. | |
renderSeparator | func | Render row separator. | |
renderSectionHeader | func |
renderSectionHeader for the internal ListView |
renderHeader | func |
renderHeader for the internal ListView |
renderFooter | func |
renderFooter for the internal ListView |
renderRow | func |
renderRow for the internal ListView |
onSearchStart | func | Callback when searching start. | |
onSearchEnd | func | Callback when searching end. |
This library is distributed under MIT Licence.