dgm cms
Static CMS that's supports better Markdown
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You need to have NPM installed!
npm install
or npm i
npm run build-dev
or npm run build-prod
or Live Server from VS CodePut these scripts on the html file bottom
<script src="https://cdn.dergoogler.com/others/dgm-cms/bundles/cms.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.dergoogler.com/others/dgm-cms/bundles/index.js"></script>
Configure the CMS
<script src="https://cdn.dergoogler.com/others/dgm-cms/bundles/cms.js?afterTitle= | Google - Support&platform=ios"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.dergoogler.com/others/dgm-cms/bundles/index.js"></script>
View the components
<StyleLoader src="onsen-css-components.css" />
The start of the page
See home.dgm as a example
title="Jimmy" // Sets the website title
description="Auf dieser Seite findest du ein paar Infos über mich, sowie meinen Musik Geschmack!" // description for the website
keywords="dergoogler,DERGOOGLER,DerGoogler,der_googler,Der_Googler,DER_GOOGLER,JIMMY,jimmy,dergoogler.com,www.dergoogler.com" // keyword for the website
The new editor makes the testings and buildings easy!
<StyleLoader />
works also in the header editor<font>
and <center>
on newst methods!View the editor here!