cafe duty
Simple web application that, given a list of people, schedules a task that should be executed in pairs. Includes a dashboard to show the people currently assigned to the task.
and click on New team
. Follow the instructions.<your-host>:3000/web/team/<Your team name>
from DockerHubdocker run --rm -p 3000:3000 -v ${LOCAL_DB_PATH}:/cafe-duty/db afcastano/hs-cafe-duty
stack setup
stack build
stack ghci
docker build -t afcastano/hs-cafe-duty:latest .
this will create the image afcastano/hs-cafe-dutydocker run --rm -p 3000:3000 -v ${LOCAL_DB_PATH}:/cafe-duty/db afcastano/hs-cafe-duty
Contact me for instructions.