This repository is the core framework for Polyel, if you are looking to create a project using Polyel, you will need to check out the Polyel Skeleton.
A PHP framework for building beautiful, expressive and fast web applications, based on the Swoole networking library
Status: In Active Development; unstable, working towards MVP ?
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Polyel is an MVC (Model-View-Controller) PHP framework based on the Swoole networking library, which is a C++ extension written for PHP and runs as a CLI application, allowing you to build high-performance web applications using both synchronous and asynchronous programming.
A framework that brings everything together, providing features to make web development quicker and more secure. Some features include built-in support for authentication and authorization, XSS filtering, CSRF protection, database query builder support, async email sending, input validation, time manipulation, built-in templating & view service, message management and much more...
Allowing you to create highly scalable applications and with support for web sockets, concurrent connections, Task workers, connection pools, async MySQL and non-blocking I/O programming.
The planned development feature list for the Polyel Framework:
With many more features planned...
Another framework you ask? Well, this project originally started as a set of classes to test the features of the Swoole networking library for PHP. Overtime as more services were built which were used to try out the ability of Swoole, the project formed into a fully featured web framework based on a new async/coroutine programming model that has not really been seen before with PHP.
Compared to other frameworks or adaptors based around Swoole, Polyel is built from the ground up, supporting the event-driven, asynchronous, non-blocking I/O nature of Swooles programming model. Polyel aims to be a fully featured option for when you want to build a modern PHP web application with Swoole, Polyel is designed to have minimal dependencies other than Swoole, making it easy and flexible to adapt and move forward with the async/coroutine paradigm that Swoole provides, also following mature standards and best practices, so you may find Polyel very similar to other frameworks, helping adoption and enabling developers to get started quickly.
Join the community and come talk about Polyel, PHP or Swoole.
The Polyel project is following Semantic Versioning 2.0
Polyel uses the Apache License Version 2.0