A single-page web application for comparing a tile layer with a background satellite layer.
After cloning this repository, run:
$ cd map-tile-compare
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm run serve
This should start a localhost server, usually http://localhost:5000
For the page to load you'll need to append a URL to a config file to the URL.
The map data is a compressed JSON string stored in the URL's hash.
Host the following JSON file on a website and update each property to your choosing:
"name": "London",
"beforeStyle": "mapbox://styles/mapboxUsername/styleId",
"beforeStyleAccessToken": "xx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx",
"beforeStyleBeforeLayerId": "tunnel-street-minor-low",
"sourceTiles": "https://example.com/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
"sourceTileScheme": "tms",
"sourceTileSize": 256,
"sourceMinZoom": 9,
"sourceMaxZoom": 15,
"sourceBounds": [-0.234, 51.454, -0.025, 51.562],
"referencePhotoImageUrl": "https://example.com/previewImage.jpg"
The table below explains the meaning of each property:
Property | Description |
name |
The name of the map. This is displayed on the splash screen. |
beforeStyle |
The mapbox style url for the "before" map, typically the "Satellite" style. |
beforeStyleAccessToken |
The mapbox access token for the "before" map style. |
beforeStyleBeforeLayerId |
The layer id within the "before" map style where you want to insert your "after" map layer. It's usually the layer immediately above the raster layer. |
sourceTiles |
The URL to your map tiles. |
sourceTileScheme |
The schema for your map tiles. Either "xyz" or "tms" . |
sourceTileSize |
The image size of your map tiles in pixels. |
sourceMinZoom |
The minimum zoom level of your map tiles. |
sourceMaxZoom |
The maximum zoom level of your map tiles. |
sourceBounds |
The bounding box of your map tiles. In the order of: left-longitude, bottom-latitude, right-longitude, top-latitude. |
referencePhotoImageUrl |
The URL to the preview image to display before loading the map. |
After creating the JSON, you have two options:
directory and run npm run build
. The file can then be accessed via http://localhost:5000/yourConfig.json
.Grab the URL to the JSON and append it to the app's host URL.
$ npm run dev
$ npm run lint
To run end to end tests, in one console run:
$ npm run build:test
$ npm run serve
will build the app with sourcemaps, which will allow for code coverage later.
Then in a different console, run:
$ export CYPRESS_MAP_TILE_COMPARE_HOST='http://localhost:5000/'
$ npm run test:e2e
Code coverage will be generated automatically, and can be viewed in coverage/
To see the cypress tests actually running in a browser, run:
$ npx cypress open