Web-app for viewing information about trends in the world of cinema, information about movies, saving movies to favorites. Team project.
- Adaptive design, mobile menu, modal windows, dark and light themes
- Uses local storage for saving theme of app and favorites movies
- Uses Themoviedb API
- Support pagination
Three pages:
- Home page shows trending movies of the day, month and week
- Catalog page shows all movies in database by rating and supports searching movies by keyword
- My Library page shows favorites movies
Three modal windows:
- For watching trailer of movie
- For watching info about movie
- For watching info about team of developers
- JavaScript
- Parcel
- Axios
- Lazysizes
- Lodash
- Notiflix
- Spin.js
- Tui-pagination
- Svitlana-Lazurenko
- AndriiRod
- Andrii55
- smiadv2022
- ArtemBortyaniy
- ruudyaa
- vanvalera
- blowmybow
- NataliaNazarenko
- RomanAbdalov