gimme url
The first release
gimme url is a missing URL generator for the League Route library. It's capable to generate relative and absolute paths to named routes.
Use Composer to install gimme url:
composer install franzose/gimme-url
URL generator requires you to provide Router
and RequestContext
instances. The latter gathers information from a PsrHttpMessageServerRequestInterface
instance and is used to build absolute paths to named routes.
use GimmeUrlRequestContext;
use GimmeUrlRouter;
use GimmeUrlUrlGenerator;
use ZendDiactorosServerRequestFactory;
$router = new Router();
$router->get('/foo/{bar}', function () {
// Let's say the request is secure and is made at on 8080 port
$request = ServerRequestFactory::fromGlobals($_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES);
$context = RequestContext::fromRequest($request);
$generator = new UrlGenerator($router, $context);
// Then you'll get this
$generator->relative('foo_route', ['bar' => '123']); // '/foo/123'
$generator->relative('foo_route', ['bar' => '123', 'qux' => 'doo']); // '/foo/123?qux=doo'
$generator->absolute('foo_route', ['bar' => '456']); // ''
$generator->absolute('foo_route', ['bar' => '456', 'qux' => 'doo']); // ''