This TYPO3 extensions puts frontend developers in a position to create encapsulated components in pure Fluid. By defining a clear interface (API) for the integration, frontend developers can implement components independent of backend developers. The goal is to create highly reusable presentational components which have no side effects and aren't responsible for data acquisition.
TL;DR? Get started right away
Fluid templates usually consist of three ingredients:
In addition, ViewHelpers provide basic control structures and encapsulate advanced rendering and data manipulation that would otherwise not be possible. They are defined as PHP classes.
The extension adds another ingredient to Fluid: Components.
fluid components are similar to ViewHelpers. The main difference is that they can be defined solely in Fluid. In a way, they are quite similar to Fluid's partials, but they have a few advantages:
The following component implements a simple teaser card element:
<fc:param name="title" type="string" />
<fc:param name="link" type="Typolink" />
<fc:param name="icon" type="string" optional="1" />
<fc:param name="theme" type="string" optional="1" default="light" />
<a href="{link}" class="{component.class} {component.class}-{theme}">
<h3 class="{component.prefix}title">{title}</h3>
<f:if condition="{content}">
<p class="{component.prefix}description"><fc:slot /></p>
<f:if condition="{icon}">
<i class="icon icon-{icon} {component.prefix}icon"></i>
Use the following code in your template to render a teaser card about TYPO3:
{namespace my=VENDORMyExtensionComponents}
The professional, flexible Content Management System
The result is the following HTML:
<a href="" class="smsExampleTeaserCard smsExampleTeaserCard-light">
<h3 class="smsExampleTeaserCard_title">TYPO3</h3>
<p class="smsExampleTeaserCard_description">The professional, flexible Content Management System</p>
<i class="icon icon-typo3 smsExampleTeaserCard_icon"></i>
(improved indentation for better readability)
Install the extension either from TER or via composer:
composer require sitegeist/fluid-components
Define the component namespace in your ext_localconf.php:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['fluid_components']['namespaces']['VENDOR\MyExtension\Components'] =
TYPO3CMSCoreUtilityExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('my_extension', 'Resources/Private/Components');
Use your own vendor name for VENDOR
, extension name for MyExtension
, and extension key for my_extension
Create your first component in EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Components/ by creating a directory MyComponent containing a file MyComponent.html
Define and apply your component according to How do components look like?. The Extended Documentation can be helpful as well.
Check out Fluid Styleguide, a living styleguide for fluid components, and fluid components Linter to improve the quality and reusability of your components.
If you have any questions, need support or want to discuss components in TYPO3, feel free to join #ext-fluid_components.
Feature References
The development and the public-releases of this package is generously sponsored by my employer