Gabriele Sarti • Grzegorz Chrupała • Malvina Nissim • Arianna Bisazza
Abstract: Establishing whether language models can use contextual information in a human-plausible way is important to ensure their safe adoption in real-world settings. However, the questions of when and which parts of the context affect model generations are typically tackled separately, and current plausibility evaluations are practically limited to a handful of artificial benchmarks. To address this, we introduce Plausibility Evaluation of Context Reliance (pecore), an end-to-end interpretability framework designed to quantify context usage in language models’ generations. Our approach leverages model internals to (i) contrastively identify context-sensitive target tokens in generated texts and (ii) link them to contextual cues justifying their prediction. We use pecore to quantify the plausibility of context-aware machine translation models, comparing model rationales with human annotations across several discourse-level phenomena. Finally, we apply our method to unannotated generations to identify context-mediated predictions and highlight instances of (im)plausible context usage in model translations.
This repository contains scripts and notebooks associated to the paper "Quantifying the Plausibility of Context Reliance in Neural Machine Translation". If you use any of the following contents for your work, we kindly ask you to cite our paper:
title = "Quantifying the Plausibility of Context Reliance in Neural Machine Translation",
author = "Sarti, Gabriele and
Chrupa{l}a, Grzegorz and
Nissim, Malvina and
Bisazza, Arianna",
booktitle = "The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024)",
month = may,
year = "2024",
address = "Vienna, Austria",
publisher = "OpenReview",
url = ""
You can try pecore from our online demo on Hugging Face Spaces.
While this repository implements the functions used in the experimental evaluation of the aforementioned paper, we provide a new CLI implementation of pecore through the Inseq interpretability library. We highly advise researchers to adopt that implementation as it is more robust and generalizable, supporting all decoder-only and encoder-decoder models from the Huggingface library for input and output context dependence detection and attribution. Refer to the inseq attribute-context
section in the Inseq README for more details.
All artifacts for the paper, including fine-tuned models and training/evaluation datasets are available in the pecore HuggingFace Collection. A demo will be made available soon, stay tuned!
Context-aware NMT models are trained using the
script. The script is a modification of the original
. The script adds the following fields for contextual model training:
: The number of context sentences to use for training. The default value is 0 (sentence-level training).
: If set, the size of the context for every example is sampled from a uniform distribution between 0 and context_size
(inclusive). If not passed and context_size
is greater than 0, the context size is always equal to context_size
: Probability between 0 and 1 of dropping a word from the context. The default value is 0 (no dropout).
: If set, the context is also included in the translated text for the training loss. In that case, the output format for an input src_ctx <brk> src
becomes tgt_ctx <brk> tgt
. Otherwise the output format is tgt
(only src
is translated).
Here is an example of fine-tuning an mBART 1-to-50 model on the context-augmented IWSLT17 dataset with up to 4 context sentences and a 10% context word dropout:
accelerate launch scripts/
--model_name_or_path facebook/mbart-large-50-one-to-many-mmt
--source_lang en_XX
--target_lang fr_XX
--dataset_name gsarti/iwslt2017_context
--dataset_config_name iwslt2017-en-fr
--output_dir outputs/models/iwslt17-mbart50-1toM-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--num_beams 5
--max_source_length 512
--max_target_length 128
--num_train_epochs 20
--gradient_accumulation_steps 4
--per_device_train_batch_size 8
--num_warmup_steps 500
--learning_rate 3e-4
--checkpointing_steps epoch
--report_to tensorboard
--context_size 4
--context_word_dropout 0.1
Here is an example of continuing the fine-tuning of a context-aware En->Fr OpusMT model on the training portion of SCAT with up to 4 context sentences and a 10% context word dropout:
accelerate launch scripts/
--model_name_or_path context-mt/iwslt17-marian-big-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--dataset_name inseq/scat
--dataset_config_name sentences
--output_dir outputs/models/scat-marian-big-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--num_beams 5
--max_source_length 512
--max_target_length 128
--num_train_epochs 2
--gradient_accumulation_steps 2
--per_device_train_batch_size 8
--num_warmup_steps 0
--learning_rate 5e-5
--checkpointing_steps 1000
--logging_steps 200
--report_to tensorboard
--context_size 4
--context_word_dropout 0.1
The pecore CLI is a command-line interface for running the pecore steps on a given model and dataset. The CLI is implemented in the pecore/
script and can be used as pecore-viz
upon installing the package with pip install -e .
. The current implementation supports the identification of context-sensitive targets (CTI) and the imputation of contextual cues (CCI) for all encoder-decoder models supported by the Inseq framework, including models with language prefix tags (mBART-50, NLLB, M2M100) and models trained with special context tags (e.g. the collection of models found in the context-mt organization on the HF Hub). The CLI can be used to run the pecore steps on a given model and example as follows:
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-small-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--attributions_aggregate_fns sum
--input "Did I mention we stole a cow? A beautiful animal, truly. We brought it to the stable and kept it there for ages.<brk> Sadly, we could not foresee it would disappear."
The example above produces the following output, correctly highlighting the dependence on the pronoun "il" on the nouns "cow" and "animal" in the context.
Context with contextual cues (std λ=1.00) followed by output sentence
with context-sensitive target spans (std λ=1.00):
Input context: Did I mention we stole a cow? A beautiful animal, truly. We brought it to the stable and kept it there for ages.
Input current: Sadly, we could not foresee it would disappear.
Context-aware output: Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas pu prévoir qu'il disparaîtrait.
Using '<brk> ' to separate context and current inputs.
#1. (CTI |kl_divergence| > 0.14, CCI |saliency| > 0.71)
Contextless output: Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas pu prévoir qu'il disparaîtrait.
Current output: Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas pu prévoir qu'il(0.412) disparaîtrait.
Input context: Did I mention we stole a cow(1.524)? A beautiful animal(1.472), truly. We brought it to the stable and kept it
there for ages.
When using the CLI to run a regular model, an additional step will be needed to specify the position of the context break in model's generation if an output is not forced by the user. Here is an example using the regular mBART-50 model from the HF Hub:
--model_name facebook/mbart-large-50-one-to-many-mmt
--input_lang eng --output_lang fra --model_type mbart50-1toM
--input "Did I mention we stole a cow? A beautiful animal, truly. We brought it to the stable and kept it there for ages.<brk> Sadly, we could not foresee it would disappear."
The user will be prompted with the following message:
The following output was generate by the model: J’ai mentionné que nous avons volé une vache, c’est vraiment un beau animal, que nous avons emmené à l’élevage et que nous l’avons gardée pendant des époques. Malheureusement, nous n’avons pas pu prévoir qu’elle disparaîtrait.
Rewrite it here by adding '<brk> ' wherever appropriate to mark context break:
The user can then rewrite the output by adding <brk>
wherever appropriate to mark the context break:
J’ai mentionné que nous avons volé une vache, c’est vraiment un beau animal, que nous avons emmené à l’élevage et que nous l’avons gardée pendant des époques.<brk> Malheureusement, nous n’avons pas pu prévoir qu’elle disparaîtrait.
The final output will be:
Context with contextual cues (std λ=1.00) followed by output sentence
with context-sensitive target spans (std λ=1.00):
Input context: Did I mention we stole a cow? A beautiful animal, truly. We brought it to the stable and kept it there for ages.
Input current: Sadly, we could not foresee it would disappear.
Output context: J’ai mentionné que nous avons volé une vache, c’est vraiment un beau animal, que nous avons emmené à l’élevage et que nous l’avons gardée pendant
des époques.
Context-aware output: J’ai mentionné que nous avons volé une vache, c’est vraiment un beau animal, que nous avons emmené à l’élevage et que nous l’avons gardée
pendant des époques. Malheureusement, nous n’avons pas pu prévoir qu’elle disparaîtrait.
Using language tags for model type 'mbart50-1toM' (eng -> fra).
#1. (CTI |kl_divergence| > 1.08, CCI |saliency| > 0.00)
Contextless output: Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas pu prévoir sa disparition.
Current output: Malheureusement, nous n’(3.505)avons pas pu prévoir qu’elle disparaîtrait.
Input context: Did I mention we stole a cow? A beautiful animal, truly. We brought it to the stable(0.002) and kept it there for ages.
Output context: J’(0.004)ai mentionné que nous avons volé une vache, c’(0.002)est vraiment un beau animal, que nous avons emmené à l’(0.003)élevage et que nous
l’(0.007)avons gardée pendant des époques.
In this case, we see the model opts to generate the curved apostrophe ’
rather than the straight one '
used by default in the contextless output to stick to the output context style, employing that character on several occasions (identified as contextual cues by pecore).
In this example, we use the attention weight of head 8 in layer 5 for attributing context dependence. This head was found empirically to align well with human intuition.
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-small-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--attributions_aggregate_fns mean mean
--input "Did I mention we stole a cow? A beautiful animal, truly. We brought it to the stable and kept it there for ages.<brk> Sadly, we could not foresee it would disappear."
--attribution_method attention
--select_attributions_idx 7 4
python scripts/
--model_type mbart50-1toM
--model_id mbart50-1toM-scat
--model_name context-mt/scat-mbart50-1toM-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--context_size 4
--dataset scat
--context_word_dropout 1
python scripts/
--model_type marian-big
--model_id marian-big-scat-target
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-big-target-ctx4-cwd0-en-fr
--context_size 4
--dataset disc_eval_mt
--context_word_dropout 0
--dataset_config anaphora
python scripts/
--model_type marian-big
--model_id marian-big-scat-target
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-big-target-ctx4-cwd0-en-fr
--context_size 4
--dataset disc_eval_mt
--context_word_dropout 0
--dataset_config lexical-choice
python scripts/
--model_type marian-big
--model_id marian-big-scat
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-big-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--context_size 4
--dataset disc_eval_mt
--context_word_dropout 1
--dataset_config anaphora
python scripts/
--model_type marian-big
--model_id marian-big-scat
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-big-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--context_size 4
--dataset disc_eval_mt
--context_word_dropout 1
--dataset_config lexical-choice
python scripts/
--model_type mbart50-1toM
--model_id mbart50-1toM-scat
--model_name context-mt/scat-mbart50-1toM-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--context_size 0
--dataset disc_eval_mt
--context_word_dropout 0
--dataset_config lexical-choice
python scripts/
--filepath outputs/translations/ctx/scat-marian-small-scat-target.txt
--model_id marian-small-scat-target
--dataset scat
--src_lang eng
--tgt_lang fra
--metrics bleu comet accuracy flip
--max_idx 250
python scripts/
--filepath outputs/translations/ctx/disc_eval_mt-anaphora-marian-small-scat-target.txt
--model_id marian-small-scat-target
--dataset disc_eval_mt
--src_lang eng
--tgt_lang fra
--metrics bleu comet accuracy flip
--max_idx 250
python scripts/
--filepath outputs/translations/ctx/scat-mbart50-1toM-scat.txt
--model_id mbart50-1toM-scat
--dataset scat
--src_lang eng
--tgt_lang fra
--metrics bleu comet accuracy
python scripts/
--filepath outputs/translations/ctx/scat-mbart50-1toM-scat.txt
--model_id mbart50-1toM-scat
--dataset scat
--src_lang eng
--tgt_lang fra
--metrics comet accuracy
python scripts/
--dataset scat
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-small-target-ctx4-cwd0-en-fr
--src_lang eng
--tgt_lang fra
--model_id marian-small-scat-target
--model_type marian-small
python scripts/
--dataset scat
--model_name context-mt/scat-mbart50-1toM-target-ctx4-cwd0-en-fr
--src_lang eng
--tgt_lang fra
--model_id mbart50-1toM-scat-target
--model_type mbart50-1toM
python scripts/
--dataset disc_eval_mt
--dataset_config anaphora
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-small-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--src_lang eng
--tgt_lang fra
--model_id marian-small-scat
--model_type marian-small
python scripts/
--dataset scat
--model_name Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-fr
--src_lang eng
--tgt_lang fra
--model_id marian-small
--model_type marian-small
python scripts/
--examples_path outputs/processed_examples/scat-marian-small-scat.tsv
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-small-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--model_type marian-small
python scripts/
--examples_path outputs/processed_examples/scat-marian-big-scat.tsv
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-big-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--model_type marian-big
python scripts/
--examples_path outputs/processed_examples/scat-mbart50-1toM-scat.tsv
--model_name context-mt/scat-mbart50-1toM-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--model_type mbart50-1toM
python scripts/
--examples_path outputs/processed_examples/scat-marian-small-scat-target.tsv
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-small-target-ctx4-cwd0-en-fr
--model_type marian-small
python scripts/
--examples_path outputs/processed_examples/scat-marian-big-scat-target.tsv
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-big-target-ctx4-cwd0-en-fr
--model_type marian-big
python scripts/
--examples_path outputs/processed_examples/scat-mbart50-1toM-scat-target.tsv
--model_name context-mt/scat-mbart50-1toM-target-ctx4-cwd0-en-fr
--model_type mbart50-1toM
python scripts/
--examples_path outputs/processed_examples/scat-marian-small-scat.tsv
--model_name context-mt/scat-marian-small-ctx4-cwd1-en-fr
--model_type marian-small
python scripts/
--examples_path outputs/processed_examples/scat-mbart50-1toM-scat-target.tsv
--model_name context-mt/scat-mbart50-1toM-target-ctx4-cwd0-en-fr
--model_type mbart50-1toM
python scripts/
--scores_path outputs/scores/scat-marian-small-scat-cti.tsv
--eval_mode cti
python scripts/
--scores_path outputs/scores/scat-marian-small-scat-cti.tsv
--eval_mode cti
--metrics random pcxmi kl_divergence
python scripts/
--scores_path outputs/scores/scat-marian-small-scat-cci.tsv
--eval_mode cci
--example_target_column is_supporting_context
--metrics random saliency_contrast_prob_diff attention_default attention_best
python scripts/
--scores_path outputs/scores/scat-marian-small-scat-target-cti.tsv
--eval_mode cti
--metrics random pcxmi kl_divergence