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The 3D Engine is currently in an early stage of development and is not yet equipped with the essential features required for a production-ready game engine. However, a clear and forward-looking development roadmap has been established, with active work being done to implement advanced systems such as virtualized geometry and radiance cascades for fully dynamic global illumination. As development progresses, I plan to foster a community starting next year, with the aim of building a C# game engine that integrates seamlessly with Unity workflows. With your support, we can create a powerful and user-friendly engine, complete with an editor, that meets the demands of modern game development.
A 3D Engine sample project demonstrating the capabilities of the 3D Engine. Voxel Sandbox implements the following features:
All components are written in C#, showcasing how to leverage the 3D Engine's functionalities to build a fully-featured application.
Install the package via NuGet Package Manager for integration into your project.
dotnet new console -n Project
cd Project
dotnet add package 3DEngine
dotnet add package Costura.Fody
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<None Remove="FodyWeavers.xml" />
<PackageReference Include="3DEngine" Version="3.1.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Costura.Fody" Version="5.7.0">
<Content Update="$(NuGetPackageRoot)3DEngine3.1.0contentFilesanynet8.0-windows10.0.22621AssetsResources***">
<None Update="">
<Service Include="{508349b6-6b84-4df5-91f0-309beebad82d}" />
<Compile Update="AssetsGeneratorsFileNamesEnumGenerator.cs">
Ensure "PreserveNewest" is set for files in the Assets folder in Visual Studio. Replace the Path to the NuGet Package 3DEngine3.1.0
class Program
private static void Main() =>
new Engine.Program().Run(
config: Engine.Config.GetDefault(
windowCommand: Engine.WindowCommand.Show,
presentInterval: Engine.PresentInterval.Immediate,
multiSample: Engine.MultiSample.x4,
resolutionScale: 1,
title: "3D Engine",
width: 2560, height: 1440,
renderGUI: true, defaultBoot: true),
initialization: () =>
frame: () => { });
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Numerics;
using Engine;
using Engine.Buffer;
using Engine.Components;
using Engine.DataStructures;
using Engine.ECS;
using Engine.Editor;
using Engine.Framework;
using Engine.Graphics;
using Engine.GUI;
using Engine.Helper;
using Engine.Runtime;
using Engine.Utilities;
public class Example : Component
[ToolTip("This is a ToolTip")]
private string _visibleString = "This field is private";
public string HiddenString = "This field is public";
public string ShowOnlyString = "This string is not editable";
public int Int;
public float Float;
public Vector2 Vector2;
public Vector3 Vector3;
public Vector4 Vector4;
[Slider(1, 100)]
public float Slider;
public bool Bool;
[If("Bool", "True")]
public string IfField = "This field is only visible if the bool is true";
[IfNot("Bool", "True")]
public string IfNotField = "This field is only visible if the bool is not true";
public Vector4 Color;
public Entity? _Entity;
public event Action? Event;
// This is the base function of OnRegister.
public override void OnRegister() =>
public override void OnAwake() { }
public override void OnStart() { }
public override void OnUpdate() { }
public override void OnLateUpdate() { }
public override void OnFixedUpdate() { }
public override void OnRender() { }
public override void OnGUI() { }
public override void OnDestroy() { }
Engine.Loader.ModelLoader.LoadFile(Engine.Utilities.AssetPaths.MESHES + "Model.obj");
Engine.Loader.ImageLoader.LoadFile(Engine.Utilities.AssetPaths.TEXTURES + "Texture.png");
Engine.Kernel.Instance.Context.CreateShader(Engine.Utilities.AssetPaths.SHADERS + "Shader");
Engine.Kernel.Instance.Context.CreateComputeShader(Engine.Utilities.AssetPaths.COMPUTESHADERS + "ComputeShader");
Entity.Manager.CreateEntity(name: "Controller").AddComponent<PlayerController>().Initialize(this);
Entity.Manager.CreateEntity(name: "Sky").AddComponent<DefaultSky>().Initialize();
var mesh = Entity.Manager.CreateEntity().AddComponent<Mesh>();
mesh.SetMeshData(vertices, indices, positions, new InputLayoutHelper().AddPosition3D().AddUV());
mesh.SetRootSignature(new RootSignatureHelper().AddConstantBufferView(2).AddShaderResourceViewTable());
mesh.SetMaterialTextures(textureEntries: [new("Texture.png", 0)]);
if (Input.GetKey(Key.Escape, InputState.Down))
Input.SetMouseLockState(MouseLockState.LockedInvisible, 0.5, 0.5);
if (!PAUSED)
The 3D Engine repository includes:
You can build the 3DEngine (Package) for both the Editor and Engine as a MSIX Application or the Engine as a portable Win32 Application.
To compile the 3D Engine, ensure you have Visual Studio 2022 with the following components: