Creating a very primitive chat app in SwiftUI, while using Swift and WebSockets to create the chat server. It's Swift from top to bottom, bay-bee!
In this tutorial we'll make a rather primitive, but functional chat app. The app will run on iOS or macOS - or both! The beauty of SwiftUI is how little effort it takes to make a multiplatform app.
Of course, a chat app will have very little use without a server to talk to. Hence we'll be making a very primitive chat server as well, utilizing WebSockets. Everything will be built in Swift and run locally on your machine.
This tutorial assumes you already have a bit of experience developing iOS/macOS apps using SwiftUI. Although concepts will be explained as we go, not everything will be covered in depth. Needless to say, if you type along and follow the steps, by the end of this tutorial you'll have a working chat app (for iOS and/or macOS), that communicates with a server that you also made! You will also have a basic understanding of concepts like server-side Swift and WebSockets.
If none of that interests you, you can always scroll to the end and download the final source code!
In short, we will start by making a very simple, plain, featureless server. We'll build the server as a Swift Package, then add the Vapor web framework as a dependency. This will help us setup a WebSocket server with just a few lines of code.
Afterwards we will start building the frontend chat app. Quickly starting with the basics, then adding features (and necessities) one by one.
Most of our time will be spent working on the app, but we'll be going back and forth between the server code and the app code as we add new features.
Let's begin!
Open Xcode 12 and start a new project (File > New Project). Under Multiplatform select Swift Package.
Call the Package something logical - something self explanatory - like "ChatServer". Then save it wherever you like.
Swift Package?
When creating a framework or multiplatform software (e.g. Linux) in Swift, Swift Packages are the preferred way to go. They're the official solution for creating modular code that other Swift projects can easily use. A Swift Package doesn't necessarily have to be a modular project though: it can also be a stand-alone executable that simply uses other Swift Packages as dependencies (which is what we're doing).
It may have occurred to you that there's no Xcode project (
) present for the Swift Package. To open a Swift Package in Xcode like any other project, simply open thePackage.swift
file. Xcode should recognize you're opening a Swift Package and opens the entire project structure. It will automatically fetch all the dependencies at the start.You can read more about Swift Packages and Swift Package Manager on the official Swift website.
To handle all the heavy lifting of setting up a server, we'll be using the Vapor web framework. Vapor comes with all the necessary features to create a WebSocket server.
To provide the web with the ability to communicate with a server in realtime, WebSockets were created. It's a well described spec for safe realtime (low-bandwidth) communication between a client and a server. E.g.: multiplayer games and chat apps. Those addictive in-browser multiplayer games you've been playing on valuable company time? Yup, WebSockets!
However, if you wish to do something like realtime video streaming you're best looking for a different solution. ?
Though we're making an iOS/macOS chat app in this tutorial, the server we're making can just as easily talk to other platforms with WebSockets. Indeed: if you want you could also make an Android and web version of this chat app, talking to the same server and allowing for communication between all platforms!
The internet is a complex series of tubes. Even responding to a simple HTTP request requires some serious amount of code. Luckily, experts in the field have developed open source web frameworks that do all the hard work for us for decades now, in various programming languages. Vapor is one of them, and it's written in Swift. It already comes with some WebSocket capabilities and it's exactly what we need.
Vapor isn't the only Swift powered web framework though. Kitura and Perfect are also well known frameworks. Though Vapor is arguably more active in its development.
Xcode should open the Package.swift
file by default. This is where we put general information and requirements of our Swift Package.
Before we do that though, look in the Sources/ChatServer
folder. It should have a ChatServer.swift
file. We need to rename this to main.swift
. Once that's done, return to Package.swift
Under products:
, remove the following value:
.library(name: "ChatServer", targets: ["ChatServer"])
... and replace it with:
.executable(name: "ChatServer", targets: ["ChatServer"])
After all, our server isn't a Library. But a stand-alone executable, rather. We should also define the platforms (and minimum version) we expect our server to run on. This can be done by adding platforms: [.macOS(v10_15)]
under name: "ChatServer"
name: "ChatServer",
platforms: [
All this should make our Swift Package 'runnable' in Xcode.
Alright, let's add Vapor as a dependency. In dependencies: []
(which should have some commented-out stuff), add the following:
.package(url: "", from: "4.0.0")
When saving the Package.swift
file, Xcode should start automatically fetching the Vapor dependencies with verison 4.0.0
or newer. As well as all its dependencies.
We just have to make one more adjustment to the file while Xcode is doing its thing: adding the dependency to our target. In targets:
you will find a .target(name: "ChatServer", dependencies: [])
. In that empty array, add the following:
.product(name: "Vapor", package: "vapor")
That's it. Our Package.swift
is done. We've described our Swift Package by telling it:
The final Package.swift
should look like this(-ish):
// swift-tools-version:5.3
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "ChatServer",
platforms: [
products: [
.executable(name: "ChatServer", targets: ["ChatServer"])
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "4.0.0")
targets: [
name: "ChatServer",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "Vapor", package: "vapor")
Now, it's finally time for...
In Xcode, open Sources/ChatServer/main.swift
and delete everything in there. It's worthless to us. Instead, make main.swift
look like this:
import Vapor
var env = try Environment.detect() // 1
let app = Application(env) // 2
defer { // 3
app.webSocket("chat") { req, client in // 4
print("Connected:", client)
try // 5
? Bam! That's all it takes to start a (WebSocket) server using Vapor. Look at how effortless that was.
and call .shutdown()
which will perform any cleanup when exiting the program./chat
Once the program has successfully run, you may not see anything resembling an app. That's because server software don't tend to have graphical user interfaces. But rest assured, the program is alive and well in the background, spinning its wheels. The Xcode console should show the following message, however:
notice codes.vapor.application : Server starting on
This means the server can successfully listen to incoming requests. This is great, because we now have a WebSocket server we can start connecting to!
I don't believe you?
If for whatever reason you think I've been spewing nothing but heinous lies this whole time, you can test the server yourself!
Open up your favourite browser and make sure you're in an empty tab. (If it's Safari, you will need to enable Developer mode first.) Open the Inspector (
) and go to the Console. Type innew WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080/chat')and hit Return. Now take a look at the Xcode console. If all went well, it should now show
Connected: WebSocketKit.WebSocket
The server is only accessible from your local machine. This means you cannot connect your physical iPhone/iPad to the server. Instead, we'll be using the Simulator in the following steps to test our chat app.
To test the chat app on a physical device, some (small) extra steps need to be taken. Refer to Appendix A.
Though we're not done with the backend yet, it's time to move to the frontend. The chat app itself!
In Xcode create a new project. This time, under Multiplatform select App. Again, choose a beautiful name for your app and continue. (I chose SwiftChat. I agree, it's perfect ?)
The app does not rely on any external third-party frameworks or libraries. Indeed, everything we need is available via Foundation
, Combine
and SwiftUI
(in Xcode 12+).
Let's start working on the chat screen immediately. Create a new Swift file and name it ChatScreen.swift
. It doesn't matter whether you choose the Swift File or the SwiftUI View template. We're deleting everything in it regardless.
Here's the starter's kit of ChatScreen.swift
import SwiftUI
struct ChatScreen: View {
@State private var message = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
// Chat history.
ScrollView { // 1
// Coming soon!
// Message field.
HStack {
TextField("Message", text: $message) // 2
Button(action: {}) { // 3
Image(systemName: "arrowshape.turn.up.right")
.font(.system(size: 20))
.disabled(message.isEmpty) // 4
In ContentsView.swift
, replace the Hello World with ChatScreen()
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
A blank canvas, for now.
Left: iPhone with dark appearance. Right: iPad with light appearance.
What we have here:
If you wish to make different design choices, go right ahead. ?
Now let's start working on some non-UI related logic: connecting to the very server we just made.
SwiftUI, together with the Combine framework, provides developers with tools to implement Seperation of Concerns effortlessly in their code. Using the ObservableObject
protocol and @StateObject
(or @ObservedObject
) property wrappers we can implement non-UI logic (referred to as Business Logic) in a separate place. As things should be! After all, the only thing the UI should care about is displaying data to the user and reacting to user input. It shouldn't care where the data comes from, or how it's manipulated.
Coming from a React background, this luxury is something I'm incredibly envious of.
There are thousands upon thousands articles and discussions about software architecture. You've probably heard or read about concepts like MVC, MVVM, VAPOR, Clean Architecture and more. They all have their arguments and their applications.
Discussing these is out-of-scope for this tutorial. But it's generally agreed upon that business logic and UI logic should not be intertwined.
This concept is true just as much for our ChatScreen. The only thing the ChatScreen should care about is displaying the messages and handling the user-input text. It doesn't care about ✌️WeBsOcKeTs✌, nor should it.
You can create a new Swift file or write the following code at the bottom of ChatScreen.swift
. Your choice. Wherever it lives, make sure you don't forget the import
import Combine
import Foundation
final class ChatScreenModel: ObservableObject {
private var webSocketTask: URLSessionWebSocketTask? // 1
// MARK: - Connection
func connect() { // 2
let url = URL(string: "ws://")! // 3
webSocketTask = URLSession.shared.webSocketTask(with: url) // 4
webSocketTask?.receive(completionHandler: onReceive) // 5
webSocketTask?.resume() // 6
func disconnect() { // 7
webSocketTask?.cancel(with: .normalClosure, reason: nil) // 8
private func onReceive(incoming: Result<URLSessionWebSocketTask.Message, Error>) {
// Nothing yet...
deinit { // 9
This may be a lot to take in, so let's slowly go through it:
in a property.URLSessionWebSocketTask
objects are responsible for WebSocket connections. They're residents of the URLSession
family in the Foundation framework.
or localhost
). The default port of Vapor applications is 8080
. And we put a listener to WebSocket connections in the /chat
and store it in the instance's propety.onReceive(incoming:)
will be called. More on this later.ChatScreenModel
is purged from memory.This is a great start. We now have a place where we can put all our WebSocket logic without cluttering the UI code. It's time to have ChatScreen
communicate with ChatScreenModel
Add the ChatScreenModel
as a State Object in ChatScreen
struct ChatScreen: View {
@StateObject private var model = ChatScreenModel() // <- this here
@State private var message = ""
// etc...
When should we connect to the server? Well, when the screen is actually visible, of course. You may be tempted to call .connect()
in the init()
of ChatScreen
. This is a dangerous thing. In fact, in SwiftUI one should try to avoid putting anything the init()
, as the View can be initialized even when it will never appear. (For instance in LazyVStack
or in NavigationLink(destination:)
.) It'd be a shame to waste precious CPU cycles. Therefore, let's defer everything to onAppear
Add an onAppear
method to ChatScreen
. Then add and pass that method to the .onAppear(perform:)
modifier of VStack
struct ChatScreen: View {
// ...
private func onAppear() {
var body: some View {
VStack {
// ...
.onAppear(perform: onAppear)
Wasted space?
Plenty of people prefer to write the contents of these methods inline instead:
.onAppear { model.connect() }This is nothing but a personal preference. Personally I like to define these methods separately. Yes, it costs more space. But they're easier to find, are reusable, prevent the
from getting (more) cluttered and are arguably easier to fold. ?
By the same token, we should also disconnect when the view disappears. The implementation should be self explanatory, but just in case:
struct ChatScreen: View {
// ...
private func onDisappear() {
var body: some View {
VStack {
// ...
.onAppear(perform: onAppear)
.onDisappear(perform: onDisappear)
It's very important to close WebSocket connections whenever we stop caring about them. When you (gracefully) close a WebSocket connection, the server will be informed and can purge the connection from memory. The server should never have dead or unknown connections lingering in memory.
Phew. Quite a ride we've been through so far. Time to test it out. ChatScreen
, you should see the Connected: WebSocketKit.WebSocket
message in the Xcode console of the server. If not, retrace your steps and start debugging!
One more thing™️. We should also test whether the WebSocket connection is closed when the user closes the app (or leaves ChatScreen
). Head back to the main.swift
file of the server project. Currently our WebSocket listener looks like this:
app.webSocket("chat") { req, client in
print("Connected:", client)
Add a handler to the .onClose
of client
, performing nothing but a simple print()
app.webSocket("chat") { req, client in
print("Connected:", client)
client.onClose.whenComplete { _ in
print("Disconnected:", client)
Re-run the server and start the chat app. Once the app is connected, close the app (actually exit it, don't just put it in the background). The Xcode console of the server should now print Disconnected: WebSocketKit.WebSocket
. This confirms that WebSocket connections are indeed closed when we no longer care about them. Thus the server should have no dead connections lingering in memory.
You ready to actually send something to the server? Boy, I sure am. But just for a moment, let's put on the brakes and think for a second. Lean back in the chair and stare aimlessly, yet somehow purposefully at the ceiling...
What exactly will be we sending to the server? And, just as importantly, what will we be receiving back from the server?
Your first thought may be "Well, just text, right?", you'd be half right. But what about the time of the message? What about the sender's name? What about an identifier to make the message unique from any other message? We don't have anything for the user to create a username or anything just yet. So let's put that to the side and just focus on sending and receiving messages.
We're going to have to make some adjustments on both the app- and server-side. Let's start with the server.
Create a new Swift file in Sources/ChatServer
called Models.swift
in the server project. Paste (or type) the following code into Models.swift
import Foundation
struct SubmittedChatMessage: Decodable { // 1
let message: String
struct ReceivingChatMessage: Encodable, Identifiable { // 2
let date = Date() // 3
let id = UUID() // 4
let message: String // 5
Here's what's going on:
.Do note how we're generating the date
and id
on the server-side. This makes the server the Source of Truth. The server knows what time it is. If the date were to be generated on the client-side, it cannot be trusted. What if the client has their clock setup to be in the future? Having the server generate the date makes its clock the only reference to time.
object always has 00:00:00 UTC 01-01-2001 as absolute reference time. When initializing aDate
or format one to string (e.g. viaDateFormatter
), the client's locality will be taken into consideration automatically. Adding or subtracting hours depending on the client's timezone.
Universally Unique Identifiers are globally regarded as acceptable values for identifiers.
We also don't want the client to send multiple messages with the same unique identifier. Whether accidentally or purposefully maliciously. Having the server generate this identifier is one extra layer of security and less possible sources of errors.
Now then. When the server receives a message from a client, it should pass it along to every other client. This does, however, mean we have to keep track of every client that's connected.
Back to main.swift
of the server project. Right above app.webSocket("chat")
put the following declaration:
var clientConnections = Set<WebSocket>()
This is where we'll store our client connections.
But wait... You should be getting a big, bad, nasty compile error. That's because the WebSocket
object does not conform to the Hashable
protocol by default. No worries though, this can be easily (albeit cheapishly) implemented. Add the following code at the very bottom of main.swift
extension WebSocket: Hashable {
public static func == (lhs: WebSocket, rhs: WebSocket) -> Bool {
ObjectIdentifier(lhs) == ObjectIdentifier(rhs)
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
Badabing badaboom. The above code is a quick but simple way to make a class
conform to Hashable
(and by definition also Equatable
), by simply using its memory address as a unique property. Note: this only works for classes. Structs will require a little more hands-on implementation.
Alright, so now that we're able to keep track of clients, replace everything of app.webSocket("chat")
(including its closure and its contents) with the following code ?:
app.webSocket("chat") { req, client in
client.onClose.whenComplete { _ in
When a client connects, store said client into clientConnections
. When the client disconnects, remove it from the same Set
. Ezpz.
The final step in this chapter is adding the heart of the serverclient.onClose.whenComplete
- but still inside the app.webSocket("chat")
closure - add the following snippet of code:
client.onText { _, text in // 1
do {
guard let data = .utf8) else {
let incomingMessage = try JSONDecoder().decode(SubmittedChatMessage.self, from: data) // 2
let outgoingMessage = ReceivingChatMessage(message: incomingMessage.message) // 3
let json = try JSONEncoder().encode(outgoingMessage) // 4
guard let jsonString = String(data: json, encoding: .utf8) else {
for connection in clientConnections {
connection.send(jsonString) // 5
catch {
print(error) // 6
Again, from the top:
handler to the connected client.ReceivingChatMessage
with the message received from the client.ReceivingChatMessage
will be generated automatically.ReceivingChatMessage
to a JSON string (well, as Data
).Why send it back?
We can use this as a confirmation that the message was, in fact, received sucessfully from the client. The app will receive back the message just like it'd receive any other message. This will prevent us from having to write additional code later on.
Done! The server is ready to receive messages and pass them along to other connected clients. Run the server and let it idle in the background, as we continue with the app!
Rememeber those SubmittedChatMessage
and ReceivingChatMessage
structs we made for the server? We need them for the app as well. Create a new Swift file and name it Models.swift
. Though you could just copy-paste the implementations, they will require a bit of modification:
import Foundation
struct SubmittedChatMessage: Encodable {
let message: String
struct ReceivingChatMessage: Decodable, Identifiable {
let date: Date
let id: UUID
let message: String
Notice how the Encodable
and Decodable
protocols have been swapped. It only makes sense: in the app, we only encode SubmittedChatMessage
and only decode ReceivingChatMessage
. The opposite of the server. We also removed the automatic initializations of date
and id
. The app has no business generating these.
Okay, back to ChatScreenModel
(whether it's in a separate file or at the bottom of ChatScreen.swift
Add the top, but inside ChatScreenModel
add the following instance property:
@Published private(set) var messages: [ReceivingChatMessage] = []
This where we'll store received messages. Thanks to @Published
, the ChatScreen
will know exactly when this array gets updated and will react to this change. private(set)
makes sure only ChatScreenModel
can update this property. (After all, it's the owner of the data. No other object has any business modifying it directly!)
Still inside ChatScreenModel
, add the following method:
func send(text: String) {
let message = SubmittedChatMessage(message: text) // 1
guard let json = try? JSONEncoder().encode(message), // 2
let jsonString = String(data: json, encoding: .utf8)
else {
webSocketTask?.send(.string(jsonString)) { error in // 3
if let error = error {
print("Error sending message", error) // 4
It seems self-explanatory. But for consistency's sake:
that, for now, just holds the message.Open ChatScreen.swift
and add the following method to ChatScreen
private func onCommit() {
if !message.isEmpty {
model.send(text: message)
message = ""
This method will be called when the user either presses the submit button or when pressing Return on the keyboard. Though it'll only send the message if it actually contains anything.
In the .body
of ChatScreen
, locate the TextField
and Button
, then replace them (but not their modifiers or contents) with the following initializations:
TextField("Message", text: $message, onEditingChanged: { _ in }, onCommit: onCommit)
// .modifiers here
Button(action: onCommit) {
// Image etc
// .modifiers here
When the Return key is pressed while the TextField
is focused, onCommit
will be called. Same goes for when the Button
is pressed by the user. TextField
also requires an onEditingChanged
argument - but we discard that by giving it an empty closure.
Now is the time to start testing what we have. Make sure the server is still running in the background. Place some breakpoints in the client.onText
closure (where the server reads incoming messages) in main.swift
of the server. Run the app and send a message. The breakpoint(s) in main.swift
should be hit upon receiving a message from the app. If it did, ? lush! ? If not, well... retrace your steps and start debugging!
Sending messages is cute and all. But what about receiving them? (Well, technically we are receiving them, just never reacting to them.) Right you are!
Let's visit ChatScreenModel
once more. Remember that onReceive(incoming:)
method? Replace it and give it a sibling method as shown below:
private func onReceive(incoming: Result<URLSessionWebSocketTask.Message, Error>) {
webSocketTask?.receive(completionHandler: onReceive) // 1
if case .success(let message) = incoming { // 2
onMessage(message: message)
else if case .failure(let error) = incoming { // 3
print("Error", error)
private func onMessage(message: URLSessionWebSocketTask.Message) { // 4
if case .string(let text) = message { // 5
guard let data = .utf8),
let chatMessage = try? JSONDecoder().decode(ReceivingChatMessage.self, from: data)
else {
DispatchQueue.main.async { // 6
? They only work once. Thus, we instantly rebind a new handler, so we're ready to read the next incoming message.ReceivingChatMessage
. However, because URLSessionWebSocketTask
can call the receive handler on a different thread, and because SwiftUI only works on the main thread, we have to wrap our modification in a DispatchQueue.main.async {}
, assuring we're actually performing the modification on the main thread.Explaining the hows and whys of working with different threads in SwiftUI is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
Nearly there!
Check back in on ChatScreen.swift
. See that empty ScrollView
? We can finally populate it with messages:
ScrollView {
LazyVStack(spacing: 8) {
ForEach(model.messages) { message in
It's not going to look spectacular by any means. But this'll do the job for now. We simply represent every message with a plain o' Text
Go ahead, run the app. When you send a message, it should instantly appear on the screen. This confirms the message was successfully sent to the server, and the server successfully sent it back to the app! Now, if you can, open up multiple instances of the app (tip: use different Simulators). There's virtually no limit to the amount of clients! Have a nice big chat party all by yourself.
Keep sending messages until there's no room left on the screen. Notice anything? Yarp. The ScrollView
doesn't automatically scroll to the bottom once new messages are beyond the screen's bounds. ?
Remember, the server generates a unique identifier for each message. We can finally put it to good use! The wait was worth it for this incredible payoff, I assure you.
In ChatScreen
, turn the ScrollView
into this beauty:
ScrollView {
ScrollViewReader { proxy in // 1
LazyVStack(spacing: 8) {
ForEach(model.messages) { message in
.id( // 2
.onChange(of: model.messages.count) { _ in // 3
scrollToLastMessage(proxy: proxy)
Then add the following method:
private func scrollToLastMessage(proxy: ScrollViewProxy) {
if let lastMessage = model.messages.last { // 4
withAnimation(.easeOut(duration: 0.4)) {
proxy.scrollTo(, anchor: .bottom) // 5
in a ScrollViewReader
provides us with a proxy
that we'll need very soon.model.messages.count
. When this value changes, we call the method we just added, passing it the proxy
provided by ScrollViewReader
method of the ScrollViewProxy
. This tells the ScrollView
to scroll to the View with the given identifier. We wrap this in withAnimation {}
to animate the scrolling.Et voilà...
These messages are pretty lush... but it'd be even lush-er if we knew who sent the messages and visually distinguish between received and sent messages.
With each message we will also attach a username and a user identifier. Because a username isn't enough to identify a user, we need something unique. What if the user and everyone else's name was Patrick? We'd have an identity crisis and would be unable to distinguish between messages sent by Patrick and messages received by a Patrick.
As is tradition, we start with the server, it's the least amount of work.
Open up Models.swift
where we defined both SubmittedChatMessage
and ReceivingChatMessage
. Give both of these bad boys a user: String
and userID: UUID
property, like so:
struct SubmittedChatMessage: Decodable {
let message: String
let user: String // <- We
let userID: UUID // <- are
struct ReceivingChatMessage: Encodable, Identifiable {
let date = Date()
let id = UUID()
let message: String
let user: String // <- new
let userID: UUID // <- here
(Don’t forget to update the Models.swift file in the app’s project as well!)
Returning to main.swift
, where you should be greeted with an error, change the initialization of ReceivingChatMessage
to the following:
let outgoingMessage = ReceivingChatMessage(
message: incomingMessage.message,
user: incomingMessage.user,
userID: incomingMessage.userID
And that's it! We're done with the server. It's just the app from here on out. The home stretch!
In the app's Xcode project, create a new Swift file called UserInfo.swift
. Place the following code there:
import Combine
import Foundation
class UserInfo: ObservableObject {
let userID = UUID()
@Published var username = ""
This will be our EnvironmentObject
where we can store our username in. As always, the unique identifier is an automatically generated immutable UUID. Where does the username come from? The user will input this when opening the app, before being presented the chat screen.
New file time: SettingsScreen.swift
. This file will house the simple settings form:
import SwiftUI
struct SettingsScreen: View {
@EnvironmentObject private var userInfo: UserInfo // 1
private var isUsernameValid: Bool {
!userInfo.username.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty // 2
var body: some View {
Form {
Section(header: Text("Username")) {
TextField("E.g. John Applesheed", text: $userInfo.username) // 3
NavigationLink("Continue", destination: ChatScreen()) // 4
class will be accessible here as an EnvironmentObject
will directly write its contents into userInfo.username
that will present ChatScreen
when pressed. The button is disabled while the username is invalid. (Do you notice how we initialize ChatScreen
in the NavigationLink
? Had we made ChatScreen
connect to the server in its init()
, it would've done so right now!)If you wish you can add a little panache to screen.
Since we're using SwiftUI's navigation features, we need to start off with a NavigationView
somewhere. ContentView
is the perfect spot for this. Change ContentView
's implementation as follows:
struct ContentView: View {
@StateObject private var userInfo = UserInfo() // 1
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
.environmentObject(userInfo) // 2
.navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle()) // 3
, making it accessible to all succeeding views.Now to send the data of UserInfo
along with the messages we send to the server. Go to ChatScreenModel
(wherever you put it). At the top of the class add the following properties:
final class ChatScreenModel: ObservableObject {
private var username: String?
private var userID: UUID?
// the rest ...
The ChatModelScreen
should receive these values when connecting. It's not ChatModelScreen
's job to know where this information came from. If, in the future, we decide to change where both username
and userID
are stored, we can leave ChatModelScreen
Change the connect()
method to accept these new properties as arguments:
func connect(username: String, userID: UUID) {
self.username = username
self.userID = userID
// etc ...
Finally, in send(text:)
, we need to apply these new values to the SubmittedChatMessage
we're sending to the server:
func send(text: String) {
guard let username = username, let userID = userID else { // Safety first!
let message = SubmittedChatMessage(message: text, user: username, userID: userID)
// Everything else ...
Aaaand that's it for ChatScreenModel
. It's finished. ??
For the final time, open up ChatScreen.swift
. At the top of ChatScreen
@EnvironmentObject private var userInfo: UserInfo
Don't forget to supply the username
and userID
to ChatScreenModel
when the view appears:
private func onAppear() {
model.connect(username: userInfo.username, userID: userInfo.userID)
Now, once again, as practiced: Lean back in that chair and look up at the ceiling. What should the text messages look like? If you're in no mood for creative thinking, you can use the following View that represents a single received (and sent) message:
struct ChatMessageRow: View {
static private let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .none
formatter.timeStyle = .short
return formatter
let message: ReceivingChatMessage
let isUser: Bool
var body: some View {
HStack {
if isUser {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 6) {
HStack {
.font(.system(size: 12))
.font(.system(size: 10))
.foregroundColor(isUser ? .white : .black)
.background(isUser ? : Color(white: 0.95))
if !isUser {
It's not particularly exciting looking. Here's what it looks like on an iPhone:
(Remember how the server also sends the date of a message? Here it's used to display the time.)
Colors and positioning are based on the isUser
property that's passed down by the parent. In this case, that parent is none other than ChatScreen
. Because ChatScreen
has access to the messages as well as the UserInfo
, it's there where the logic is placed to determine whether the message belongs to the user or not.
replaces the boring Text
we used before to represent messages:
ScrollView {
ScrollViewReader { proxy in
LazyVStack(spacing: 8) {
ForEach(model.messages) { message in
// This one right here ?, officer.
ChatMessageRow(message: message, isUser: message.userID == userInfo.userID)
// etc.
Welcome to the finish line! You've made it all the way here! For the final time,
By now you should have a primitive - but fuctioning - chat app. As well as a server handling the incoming and outgoing messages. All written in Swift!
Congrats! And thank you very much for reading! ?
You can download the final code from Github.
Left: Tiny iPad with dark appearance. Right: Huge iPhone with light appearance.
Let's sum up our journey:
All that while completely staying within the Swift ecosystem. No extra programming languages, no Cocoapods or anything.
Of course, what we created here is only a fraction of a fraction of a complete, production ready chat app and server. We cut a lot of corners to save on time and complexity. Needless to say it should give a pretty basic understanding of how a chat app works.
Consider the following features to, perhaps, implement yourself:
View, we iterate through every message in memory. Modern chat software only keep track of a handful of messages to render, and only load in older messages once the user scrolls up.That odd URLSessionWebSocketTask API
If you've ever worked with WebSockets before, you may share the opinion that Apple's API for WebSocket's are quite... non-traditional. You're certainly not alone on this. Having to constantly rebind the receive handler is just odd. If you think you're more comfortable using a more traditional WebSocket API for iOS and macOS then I would certainly recommend Starscream. It's well tested, performant and works on older versions of iOS.
Bugs bugs bugs
This tutorial was written using Xcode 12 beta 5 and iOS 14 beta 5. Bugs appear and disappear between each new beta version. It is unfortunately impossible to predict what will and what won't work in future (beta) releases.
The server not only runs on your local machine, it's only accessible from your local machine. This isn't a problem when running the app in Simulator (or as macOS app on the same machine). But running the app on a physical device, or on a different Mac, the server will have to be made accessible in your local network.
To do this, in main.swift
of the server code, add the following line directly after initializing the Application
app.http.server.configuration.hostname = ""
Now in ChatScreenModel
, in the connect(username:userID:)
method, you need to change the URL to match your machine's local IP:
let url = URL(string: "ws://")!
Your machine's local IP can be found in various ways. Personally I always just open System Preferences > Network, where the IP is directly shown and can be selected and copied.
It should be noted that the success rate of this varies between networks. There are a lot of factors (like security) that could prevent this from working.
Thank you so much for reading! If you have any opinions on this piece, thoughts for improvements, or found some errors, please, please, please let me know! I will do my very best to continuously improve this tutorial. ?