The imitation Alibaba website source code computer plus mobile version is a PHP mall website source code developed with PHP+MySQL. Installation instructions: Alibaba website source code computer plus mobile phone plus the latest version 1. Use DW to open the [database file] alibaba2017.sql in the package and select Replace (do not use Notepad to open, use DW to edit), replace localhost with the one you want to install Domain name, select Replace All and save, then import it into your database using the phpmyadmin database management tool in the root directory. 2. Modify the database configuration file to the corresponding database information $CFG['url']='http://localhost/'; change it to the corresponding domain name 3. The background login address is admin123. PHP username: admin Password: admin888 Enter the background to update the cache path [System maintenance==>Update data==>Update cache and update the entire site] Mobile version: Enter: http://domain name/mobile/ in the address bar of the mobile browser