Simple protocol router /s
Run • CLI Usage • Config File • Docs
npm install -g @showbridge/cli
showbridge -c config.json
npx @showbridge/cli@latest -c config.json
flag to see other available flagsnpm install && npm run install:all
cd cli && npm run start -- -c config.json
cd launcher
npm run start
Usage: @showbridge/cli [options]
Simple protocol router /s
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config <path> location of config file
-v, --vars <path> location of file containing vars
-w, --webui <path> location of webui html to serve
--disable-action <action-type...> action type(s) to disable
--disable-protocol <protocol-type...> protocol type(s) to disable
--disable-trigger <trigger-type...> trigger type(s) to disable
--disable-transform <transform-type...> transform type(s) to disable
-l, --log-level <level> log level (choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal", default: "info")
-h, --help display help for command
The showbridge router's config is entirely controlled by a JSON config file. This file can be made by hand or edited via the web interface included with the launcher. The router WILL NOT start up with an invalid config file. I do provide some starter/example configs to look at to get a general idea of what one entails.
For more information about showbridge and its inner workings check out the documention