netcpp is simple C++ network library.
It supports windows and linux platform.
This library supports vcpkg port. If you had already installed vcpkg, You can install this package simply with the command line below.
vcpkg install netcpp # In classic mode
vcpkg add port netcpp # In manifest mode
Or clone this repository, and execute the command line below.
git clone && cd netcpp # clone and move directory
cmake -B build # CMake Configuration
cmake --build build --config <BUILD_MODE> # Build library
cmake --install build --config <BUILD_MODE> --prefix <PATH_TO_INSTALL> # Install to other project
netcpp provides CMake targets:
find_package(netcpp CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE netcpp::netcpp)
Option | Description |
Build by shared library |
Include unit test in build |
// <net/socket.hpp>
net::socket tcp_socket(net::protocol::tcp); // Create a TCP socket
net::socket udp_socket(net::protocol::udp); // Create a UDP socket
net::socket empty_socket;
empty_socket.create(net::protocol::tcp); // Create a new TCP socket
// <net/context.hpp>
net::socket sock(net::protocol::tcp); // Create a new TCP socket.
net::context connect_ctx; // A context that necessary to async I/O
connect_ctx.endpoint = ENDPOINT; // Specify the endpoint.
connect_ctx.completed = [](net::context* ctx, bool success) { // callback
if (success)
std::cout << "Connected" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Failed to connect" << std::endl;
sock.connect(&connect_ctx); // Connect to specified endpoint asynchronously.
// Server
#include <net/Socket.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main()
net::native::initialize(); // Initialize Native API
net::socket sock(net::protocol::tcp); // Create new TCP socket
if (!sock.is_open()) // Validate socket
return -1;
if (!sock.bind(net::endpoint(net::ip_address::loopback, 8085))) // Bind the address `tcp://loopback:8085`
return -1;
if (!sock.listen()) // Ready to accept
return -1;
auto client = sock.accept(); // accept other client. it returns new client socket.
std::cout << "Connectedn";
// Client
#include <net/socket.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main()
net::native::initialize(); // Initialize Native API
net::socket sock(net::protocol::tcp); // Create new TCP socket
if (!sock.is_open()) // Validate socket
return -1;
if (!sock.connect(net::endpoint(net::ip_address::loopback, 8085))) // Try to connect to server.
return -1;
std::cout << "Connected!";
// <net/dns.hpp>
net::dns::get_host_name() // get host's name
net::dns::get_host_entry("") // get's host entry
try {
if (!sock.connect(ENDPOINT))
throw net::network_exception("connect()");
catch(std::exception& e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; // connect(): Cannot assign requested address. [10049]
OS | Library |
Windows | Winsock2 |
Linux | liburing |
The repository is whenever welcome any issues or PRs!