Vue Amazing UI
The component library is implemented with [email protected]
+ [email protected]
+ [email protected]
+ [email protected]
Currently, it includes 63
basic UI components and 16
utility functions, with continuous exploration and updates ongoing...
What's more, they are all treeshakable.
All the stuff in Vue Amazing UI is written in TypeScript. It can work with your typescript project seamlessly.
All components are built in single file component SFC
style and can be used independently.
Ready to use out of the box, no fuss.
pnpm add vue-amazing-ui# ornpm install vue-amazing-ui# oryarn add vue-amazing-ui# orbun add vue-amazing-ui
Global Registration All Components (Not Recommended)
No tree-shaking. Bundle will have redundant codes.
import { createApp } from 'vue'import App from './App.vue'import VueAmazingUI from 'vue-amazing-ui'import 'vue-amazing-ui/css'const app = createApp(App)app.use(VueAmazingUI)app.mount('#app')
Global Partial Registration
In this form, only components imported will be bundled.
import { createApp } from 'vue'import App from './App.vue'import { Button, Tag } from 'vue-amazing-ui'import 'vue-amazing-ui/es/button/Button.css'import 'vue-amazing-ui/es/tag/Tag.css'const app = createApp(App)app.use(Button).use(Tag)app.mount('#app')
Local Registration
In this form, only components imported will be bundled.
<script setup lang="ts">import { Button, Tag } from 'vue-amazing-ui'import 'vue-amazing-ui/es/button/Button.css'import 'vue-amazing-ui/es/tag/Tag.css'</script> <template> <Button>button</Button> <Tag>tag</Tag> </template>
Auto Import Styles (Recommended)
Use the vite-plugin-style-import
plugin to automatically import component styles on demand. The plugin will automatically parse the used components in the template and import their styles.
pnpm add vite-plugin-style-import -D# ornpm install vite-plugin-style-import -D# oryarn add vite-plugin-style-import -D# orbun add vite-plugin-style-import -D
// vite.config.tsimport { defineConfig } from 'vite'import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'import { createStyleImportPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-style-import'// Automatically import component stylesimport { VueAmazingUIStyleResolve } from 'vue-amazing-ui'// default defineConfig({ plugins: [vue(),// imports component library styles on demandcreateStyleImportPlugin({ resolves:[VueAmazingUIStyleResolve() ]}) ]})
Then, you can use all components of vue-amazing-ui
in your code without needing to manually import component styles, whether you are using global partial registration or local registration.
Global Partial Registration
import { createApp } from 'vue'import App from './App.vue'import { Button, Tag } from 'vue-amazing-ui'const app = createApp(App)app.use(Button).use(Tag)app.mount('#app')
Local Registration
<script setup lang="ts">import { Button, Tag } from 'vue-amazing-ui'</script> <template> <Button>button</Button> <Tag>tag</Tag> </template>
Automatic On-Demand Import (Strongly Recommended)
Use the unplugin-vue-components
plugin to automatically import components on demand. The plugin will automatically parse the components used in the template and import the components and styles.
pnpm add unplugin-vue-components -D# ornpm install unplugin-vue-components -D# oryarn add unplugin-vue-components -D# orbun add unplugin-vue-components -D
// vite.config.tsimport { defineConfig } from 'vite'import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'import Components from 'unplugin-vue-components/vite'// vue-amazing-ui on-demand importimport { VueAmazingUIResolver } from 'vue-amazing-ui'// default defineConfig({ plugins: [vue(),Components({ resolvers: [// auto import components from VueAmazingUIVueAmazingUIResolver() ]}) ]})
Then, you can directly use all components from vue-amazing-ui
in your code.
<template> <Button>button</Button> <Tag>tag</Tag> </template>
All types can be directly imported and used from vue-amazing-ui
without any additional installation.
<script setup lang="ts">import type { ButtonProps } from 'vue-amazing-ui'const shape = ref<ButtonProps['shape']>('default')</script> <template> <Button :shape="shape">button</Button> </template>
<script setup lang="ts">import { dateFormat, formatNumber, rafTimeout, cancelRaf, throttle, debounce, add, downloadFile, toggleDark, useEventListener, useMutationObserver, useScroll, useFps, useMediaQuery, useResizeObserver, useSlotsExist} from 'vue-amazing-ui'</script>
Get the project code
git clone
Install dependencies
cd vue-amazing-ui pnpm i
Run project
pnpm dev
My CSDN Blogs
Name | Description | Name | Description |
Alert | 警告提示 | Avatar | 头像 |
BackTop | 回到顶部 | Badge | 徽标 |
Breadcrumb | 面包屑 | Button | 按钮 |
Card | 卡片 | Carousel | 轮播图 |
Cascader | 级联选择 | Checkbox | 复选框 |
Collapse | 折叠面板 | Countdown | 倒计时 |
DatePicker | 日期选择 | Descriptions | 描述列表 |
Dialog | 对话框 | Divider | 分割线 |
Drawer | 抽屉 | Ellipsis | 文本省略 |
Empty | 空状态 | Flex | 弹性布局 |
FloatButton | 浮动按钮 | GradientText | 渐变文字 |
Grid | 栅格 | Image | 图片 |
Input | 输入框 | InputNumber | 数字输入框 |
InputSearch | 搜索框 | List | 列表 |
LoadingBar | 加载条 | Message | 全局提示 |
Modal | 模态框 | Notification | 通知提醒 |
NumberAnimation | 数值动画 | Pagination | 分页 |
Popconfirm | 弹出确认 | Popover | 气泡卡片 |
Progress | 进度条 | QRCode | 二维码 |
Radio | 单选框 | Rate | 评分 |
Result | 结果 | Scrollbar | 滚动条 |
Segmented | 分段控制器 | Select | 选择器 |
Skeleton | 骨架屏 | Slider | 滑动输入条 |
Space | 间距 | Spin | 加载中 |
Statistic | 统计数值 | Steps | 步骤条 |
Swiper | 触摸滑动插件 | Switch | 开关 |
Table | 表格 | Tabs | 标签页 |
Tag | 标签 | Textarea | 文本域 |
TextScroll | 文字滚动 | Timeline | 时间轴 |
Tooltip | 文字提示 | Upload | 上传 |
Video | 播放器 | Waterfall | 瀑布流 |
Watermark | 水印 |
Name | Description | Type |
dateFormat | Format date-time string function | (value: number | string | Date =, format: string = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') => string |
formatNumber | Number formatting function | (value: number | string, precision: number = 2, separator: string = ',', decimal: string = '.', prefix?: string, suffix?: string) => string |
rafTimeout | Function to implement setTimeout or setInterval using requestAnimationFrame | (fn: Function, delay: number = 0, interval: boolean = false) => object |
cancelRaf | Function to cancel the rafTimeout function | (raf: { id: number }) => void |
throttle | Throttle function | (fn: Function, delay: number = 300) => any |
debounce | Debounce function | (fn: Function, delay: number = 300) => any |
add | Addition function that eliminates precision issues in JavaScript arithmetic | (num1: number, num2: number) => number |
downloadFile | Function to download a file with a custom filename; if no name is provided, it extracts the filename from the URL | (url: string, fileName?: string) => void |
toggleDark | Function to toggle dark mode | () => void |
useEventListener | Function to add and remove event listeners using Vue lifecycle hooks | (target: HTMLElement | Window | Document, event: string, callback: Function) => void |
useMutationObserver | Function to observe changes in DOM elements using MutationObserver | (target: Ref | Ref[] | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[], callback: MutationCallback, options = {}) => object |
useScroll | Function to monitor the scroll position and state of a target element in real time | (target: Ref | HTMLElement | Window | Document = window, throttleDelay: number = 0, onScroll?: (e: Event) => void, onStop?: (e: Event) => void) => object |
useFps | Function to monitor the browser's refresh rate (FPS) in real time | () => object |
useMediaQuery | Function to determine if the current environment matches a specified media query condition | (mediaQuery: string) => object |
useResizeObserver | Function to observe changes in the dimensions of DOM elements using ResizeObserver | (target: Ref | Ref[] | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[], callback: ResizeObserverCallback, options = {}) => object |
useSlotsExist | Function to watch for the existence of slots with given names, supporting single slots or an array of slots | (slotsName: string | string[] = 'default') => Reactive | Ref<boolean> |