composer require --dev proklung/phpunit-testing-tools
Создать класс:
use ProklTestingToolsBaseBaseTestCase;use ProklTestingToolsToolsContainerBuildContainer;class ContainerAwareBaseTestCase extends BaseTestCase {/** * @inheritDoc * @throws Exception */protected function setUp(): void{$this->container = static::$testContainer = BuildContainer::getTestContainer( ['dev/test_container.yaml','dev/local.yaml'],'/Resources/config', [new SampleCompilerPass()], // Опциональный параметр - кастомные compiler passes,'dev', // Окружение. По умолчанию - devtrue // Debug. По умолчанию - true,['service_to_mock'] // Сервисы, подлежащие мокингу (см. подраздел Моки сервисов));parent::setUp(); } }
Отнаследовать от него тест.
Подгрузятся конфиги сервисов из указанных файлов по указанному пути (относительно DOCUMENT_ROOT тестов).
Механизм (на базе создания прокси-сервисов по заданному списку) взят из бандла и адаптирован под локальные нужды.
use ProklTestingToolsToolsServiceMocker;use ProklTestingToolsBaseBaseTestCase;class MyTest extends BaseTestCase {use RestoreServiceContainer;protected function setUp(): void{parent::setUp(); $this->container = BuildContainer::getTestContainer( ['test_container.yaml'],'/../../../../tests/Standalone/Resource/config', [],'dev',true, ['filesystem.local.adapter'] // Сервис, который будет заменен моком.); }public function testFoo() {// For all calls ServiceMock::all($this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter'), 'getAdapter', function () { return new Local( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/test/'); }); $result = $this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter');// For only the next call ServiceMock::next($this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter'), 'getAdapter', function () { return new Local( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/test/'); }); // This will queue a new callable ServiceMock::next($this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter'), 'getAdapter', function () { throw new InvalidArgument('getAdapter can call once time!'); });$mock = // create a PHPUnit mock or any other mock you want.ServiceMocker::swap($this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter'), $mock);// ... $service = $this->container->get('filesystem.local.adapter'); $result = $service->getAdapter(); // Метод сервиса (или сервис целиком) подменен. }protected function tearDown(): void{// To make sure we don't affect other testsServiceMock::resetAll();// You can include the RestoreServiceContainer trait to automatically reset services} }
use ProklTestingToolsTraitsBootTestKernelTrait;class ExampleTest extends ProklTestingToolsBaseBaseTestCase {use BootTestKernelTrait;protected function setUp(): void{parent::setUp();$container = new ContainerBuilder(); // ... Наполнение тестового контейнера.self::$kernel = $this->bootTestKernel($container); } }
Базовый класс для тестирования консольных команд.
executeCommand(Command $commandInstance, string $commandName, array $params = [])
- вернет то, что команда
вывела на экран.
runCommand(Command $command, $input = [])
- вернет результат выполнения метода execute
Несколько общих дата-провайдеров
- пустые значения.
- пустые скалярные значения
- булевы значения
- инстанц DateTime
- путь к несуществующему файлу
Обертка над.
Пример (в тесте, унаследованном от BaseTestCase
// Замокается полностью (т.е. не важно с какими параметрами пройдет вызов) функция in_the_loop $this->mockerFunctions->setNamespace('TestsAPI') ->full('in_the_loop', true) ->mock();
- пространство имен, в котором мокается функция.
Или частичное моканье (в зависимости от аргументов):
// При вызове get_cat_name с аргументом $this->idCategory вернет Mocked category $this->mockerFunctions->setNamespace('TestAPIEntity') ->partial('get_cat_name', 'Mocked category', $this->idCategory) ->partial('category_description', 'Mocked category description', $this->idCategory) ->mock();
При использовании этой фичи рекомендуется (во избежании проблем) на тест ставить аннотации:
/** * data() * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled */
Конструктор сервис-локаторов Symfony для тестов.
constructServiceLocator(array $config)
- где $config
массив вида:
$object = new ClassName();$config = [ 'service_key' => ClassName::class, 'service_key2' => $object, ];
Если передать название класса в конфиге, то внутри метода класс будет инстанцирован.
Форк пакета
use AppCommandCreateUserCommand;use ProklTestingToolsBaseBaseTestCase;use ProklTestingToolsToolsConsoleInteractsWithConsole;use ProklTestingToolsTraitsBootTestKernelTrait;class CreateUserCommandTest extends BaseTestCase {use InteractsWithConsole;use BootTestKernelTrait; protected function setUp(): void{parent::setUp();$container = new ContainerBuilder();$container->setDefinition( IntegrityCheck::class,new Definition(IntegrityCheck::class, []) )->setTags(['console.command' => ['command' => 'module:еуые']])->setPublic(true);self::$kernel = $this->bootTestKernel($container);$this->cliApplication = new SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleConsoleApplication(self::$kernel);$this->cliApplication->add($container->get(IntegrityCheck::class)); } public function test_can_create_user(): void{$this->executeConsoleCommand('create:user kbond --admin --role=ROLE_EMPLOYEE --role=ROLE_MANAGER') ->assertSuccessful() // command exit code is 0->assertOutputContains('Creating admin user "kbond"') ->assertOutputContains('with roles: ROLE_EMPLOYEE, ROLE_MANAGER') ->assertOutputNotContains('regular user') ;// advanced usage$this->consoleCommand(CreateUserCommand::class) // can use the command class or "name"->splitOutputStreams() // by default stdout/stderr are combined, this options splits them->addArgument('kbond') ->addOption('--admin') // with or without "--" prefix->addOption('role', ['ROLE_EMPLOYEE', 'ROLE_MANAGER']) ->addOption('-R') // shortcut options require the "-" prefix->addOption('-vv') // by default, output has normal verbosity, use the standard options to change (-q, -v, -vv, -vvv)->addOption('--ansi') // by default, output is undecorated, use this option to decorate->execute() // run the command->assertSuccessful() ->assertStatusCode(0) // equivalent to ->assertSuccessful()->assertOutputContains('Creating admin user "kbond"') ->assertErrorOutputContains('this is in stderr') // used in conjunction with ->splitOutputStreams()->assertErrorOutputNotContains('admin user') // used in conjunction with ->splitOutputStreams()->dump() // dump() the status code/outputs and continue->dd() // dd() the status code/outputs;// testing interactive commands$this->executeConsoleCommand('create:user', ['kbond']) ->assertSuccessful() ->assertOutputContains('Creating regular user "kbond"') ; // advanced testing interactive commands$this->consoleCommand(CreateUserCommand::class) ->addInput('kbond') ->addOption('--no-interaction') // commands are run interactively if input is provided, use this option to disable->execute() ->assertSuccessful() ->assertOutputContains('Creating regular user "kbond"') ; // access result$result = $this->executeConsoleCommand('create:user');$result->statusCode();$result->output(); $result->errorOutput(); } }
use AppCommandCreateUserCommand;use PHPUnitFrameworkTestCase;use ProklTestingToolsToolsConsoleTestCommand;class CreateUserCommandTest extends TestCase {public function test_can_create_user(): void{ TestCommand::for(new CreateUserCommand(/** args... */)) ->splitOutputStreams() // by default stdout/stderr are combined, this options splits them->addArgument('kbond') ->addOption('--admin') // with or without "--" prefix->addOption('role', ['ROLE_EMPLOYEE', 'ROLE_MANAGER']) ->addOption('-R') // shortcut options require the "-" prefix->addOption('-vv') // by default, output has normal verbosity, use the standard options to change (-q, -v, -vv, -vvv)->addOption('--ansi') // by default, output is undecorated, use this option to decorate->execute() ->assertSuccessful() ->assertStatusCode(0) // equivalent to ->assertSuccessful()->assertOutputContains('Creating admin user "kbond"') ->assertErrorOutputContains('this is in stderr') // used in conjunction with ->splitOutputStreams()->assertErrorOutputNotContains('admin user') // used in conjunction with ->splitOutputStreams()->dump() // dump() the status code/outputs and continue->dd() // dd() the status code/outputs; // testing interactive commandsTestCommand::for(new CreateUserCommand(/** args... */)) ->addInput('kbond') ->addOption('--no-interaction') // commands are run interactively if input is provided, use this option to disable->execute() ->assertSuccessful() ->assertOutputContains('Creating regular user "kbond"') ;// access result$result = TestCommand::for(new CreateUserCommand(/** args... */))->execute();$result->statusCode();$result->output(); $result->errorOutput(); } }
class MyClass {private string $privateProperty = 'private value';private function privateMethod(): string{return 'private return value'; } }$myClass = new Myclass();
This is how you can get the value of the private property using the invade
invade($myClass)->privateProperty; // returns 'private value'
The invade
function also allows you to change private values.
invade($myClass)->privateProperty = 'changed value';invade($myClass)->privateProperty; // returns 'changed value
Using invade
you can also call private functions.
invade($myClass)->privateMethod(); // returns 'private return value'