Dynamically loading external JavaScript and CSS files
npm install load.js
const load = require('load');
/* you could use jquery functions here */
await load.js('jquery.js');
/* load menu css and then do some magic */
await load.css('menu.css');
/* recognition file type by extension */
const [e1, event] = await tryToCatch(load, 'css-or-.js');
const [e2, footer] = await tryToCatch(load, 'template/footer.html');
const [e3, config] = await tryToCatch(load.json, 'config.json');
const [e4, header] = await tryToCatch(load.ajax, 'template/header.html');
/* load one-by-one */
await load.series([
/* load all together */
await load.parallel([