An admin application template using koa2 and vue.
this boilerplate clone built with vuejs-templates, based on vue-element-admin
Make sure that you have Node.js v6 or newer and npm installed on your development machine. Because it will be better
$ git clone MyApp
$ cd MyApp
$ npm install # Install project dependencies listed in package.json
If you just want to start a new project without the koa2 boilerplate commit history then you can do:
$ git clone --depth=1 MyApp
The depth=1 tells git to only pull down one commit worth of historical data.
Compile and launch your app by running:
# Compiles the app and opens it in a browser with "hot reload"
# running at
$ npm run dev
# Open the backend API server
# running at
$ npm run server
Or start frontend and backend together
# Start frontent and backend concurrently
$ npm start
A build
script to bundle JS, CSS, and Images for production, with sourcemaps.
$ npm run build
script can bundle everything we need to publish our code to productiion environment.
$ npm run release
Note: This is script can only running at *nix-like commmand line.
Can't install node-sass ?
put this lines in you ~/.npmrc file and npm install