The Artemis application server uses the following (simplified) data model in the MySQL database (notice that the actual data model is more complex by now). It supports multiple courses with multiple exercises. Each student in the participating student group can participate in the exercise by clicking the Start Exercise button. Then a repository and a build plan for the student (User) will be created and configured. The initialization state helps to track the progress of this complex operation and allows recovering from errors. A student can submit multiple solutions by committing and pushing the source code changes to a given example code into the version control system or using the user interface. The continuous integration server automatically tests each submission and notifies the Artemis application server when a new result exists. In addition, teaching assistants can assess student solutions and "manually" create results.
Please note that the actual database model is more complex. The UML class diagram above omits some details for readability (e.g., lectures, student questions, exercise details, static code analysis, quiz questions, exam sessions, submission subclasses, etc.)
There is a growing community of university instructors who are using Artemis.
We communicate using GitHub issues and pull requests. Additionally, you can join us on Slack to ask questions and get support. If you are interested, please send an email to Stephan Krusche.
The following universities are actively using Artemis or are currently evaluating Artemis.
Technical University of Munich
Main contact person: Stephan Krusche
LFU Innsbruck, Uni Salzburg, JKU Linz, AAU Klagenfurt, TU Wien
codeAbility project
Main contact person: Michael Breu
University of Stuttgart
Main contact person: Steffen Becker
Universität Passau (only accessible via the university network/VPN)
Main contact person: Benedikt Fein
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Main contact person: Dominik Fuchß
Hochschule München
Main contact person: Michael Eggers
Technische Universität Dresden
Main contact person: Andreas Domanowski
Hochschule Heilbronn
Main contact person: Jörg Winckler
Maria-Theresia-Gymnasium München
Main contact person: Valentin Herrmann
HU Berlin
Main contact person: Lars Grunske
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
Main contact person: Heiko Baum
Technische Universität Chemnitz
Main contact person: Danny Kowerko
Universität zu Köln
Main contact person: Andreas Vogelsang
Technische Universität Dortmund
Main contact person: Falk Howar
Universität Bielefeld
Main contact person: Daniel Merkle
Universität Ulm
Main contact person: Matthias Tichy
Imperial College London
Main contact person: Robert Chatley
University of South Australia
Main contact person: Srecko Joksimovic