Employee Record System using JAVA and Database Management Systems is one the smartest and innovative projects in terms of automating the record system of various organizations and institutions. In this Employee Record System we have implemented a code base which will store the data of the employees of an organization or any other institution and have created the front end with JAVA so that it looks more effective and attractive. Storing information and records of the employees have been a tough work for manual users, hence to make it simple this JAVA empowered system is imposed to make the tough job simple.
To implement this project we have used Java Netbeans 12.3 version and MySQL (using the XAMPP control panel of version 7.2), to compile and run the program. Netbeans is a versatile IDE which has lot more facilities than any other IDEs and also the latest version of Java Development Kit 15, which help the system to empower. Hence, this project work is one of the best version of the Employee record taking system.
The problem statement for this project is, to make a secure and automated system which will keep the Employee Records of an organization or institution secure and safe. Also it can do the following jobs automatically with the help of the Admin of the company only,
• Adding new employee data
• Updating previous employee data
• Deleting employee data
• Search a particular employee record based on the employee ID and print the details.
These are the problem statements that we are solving using the code base which is implemented in JAVA.
To access this project the basic medium will be JAVA Netbeans and XAMPP control panel (any other IDEs will also work on this project). We have to set two environments for this project to successful. Firstly, we have to create a database in which we will store all the information of the employees and then we have to make it secure and compact. Secondly, we have to make the java front end for the web app which will provide the GUI of the project and also this Java files will make the queries to the database and based on that the details will be shown and hence evaluated by the admin.
Now the main thing is how to connect with the Java files with the database called as Employee. For that we need JDBC driver for MySQL which will make the connection in between the Java files and the database.
The conn.java is the main connection file of this project without which we cannot make any connections via the database and the programs will not be executed.
Using this conn.java file we have connected the database with the java files and now this project is ready to be implemented.
This project consists of 11 java files including the connection file. These separate files are organising separate works and queries, with the help of those queries this project will be successful.
Now the resources database which is the main source of information for this project.
We have the employee database which consists 11 attributes and they are, employee ID, name, father's name, age, date of birth, address, mobile no., email ID, education, job post and aadhar no.. Based on these 11 attributes we have taken the information of the employees and stored them in the database.
There is also a database named as login which consists of the login credentials. In this database it has two attributes Login ID and password. For this whole project the login Id is 'admin' and the password is 'admin'.
Lastly the MySQL Connector 8.0.22 is used to connect the database with the java files.
• Download the repo as the zip files and unzip it in the Netbeans Project area in the Documents folder of the C drive.
• Now download the required softwares, Netbeans 12.3, XAMPP Control Panel and MySQL JDBC Driver.
• Now open the project files in the Netbeans and Turn on the Apache and MySQL Server from the XAMPP.
• Go to localhost:/phpmyadmin from tour web browser and import the employee.sql file which holds the database.
• Now from the Netbeans connect the MySQL Sever using the connector and the file format should be .jar files.
• After the all the setup is ready the project is ready to run.
• Right click on the frontpage.java file and click Run.
• Check if your project is correctly addressing all the values from the database or, not!
We would like to thank all the sources which help us in the project,
• Visual Studio Code : https://code.visualstudio.com/
• Java Development Kit : https://www.oracle.com/in/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html
• Java Documentation : https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/
• Apache Netbeans 12.3 IDE : https://netbeans.apache.org/download/nb123/nb123.html
• XAMPP Control Panel 3.2 version : https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
• MySQL JDBC Driver and connector 8.2 version (.jar file) : https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/
Abhishek Sharma |