Paylinks 5.0.0
A set of third-party payment SDK developed based on modern .NET and supporting cross-platform and multi-merchant. The SDK is designed to simplify developers' access to third-party payment platforms. It supports Alipay and WeChat payment, making it easy to quickly integrate payment functions.
"Paylinks" : {
"Alipay" : {
// 网关地址
"ServerUrl" : " " ,
// 应用Id
"AppId" : " " ,
// 应用私钥
"AppPrivateKey" : " " ,
// 应用证书序列号
"AppCertSN" : " " ,
// 支付宝公钥
"AlipayPublicKey" : " " ,
// 支付宝证书序列号
"AlipayCertSN" : " " ,
// 支付宝根证书序列号
"AlipayRootCertSN" : " " ,
// 敏感信息对称加密算法类型,推荐:AES
"EncryptType" : " " ,
// 敏感信息对称加密算法密钥
"EncryptKey" : " "
"WeChatPay" : {
// 网关地址
"ServerUrl" : " " ,
// 应用Id
"AppId" : " " ,
// 商户号
"MchId" : " " ,
// 商户证书序列号
"MchSerialNo" : " " ,
// 商户证书私钥
"MchPrivateKey" : " " ,
// 微信支付公钥
"WeChatPayPublicKey" : " " ,
// 微信支付公钥Id(公钥序列号)
"WeChatPayPublicKeyId" : " " ,
// 商户APIv3密钥
"APIv3Key" : " "
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