Wechat mini game jump kotlin PC crack
WeChat mini-programs can now play games. Let’s crack the official mini-game “Tiao Yi Tiao”.
Use usb to debug the Android phone, use adb to take screenshots and use the mouse to measure the distance, then calculate the pressing time and then simulate pressing.
$ adb shell input swipe < x 1> < y 1> < x 2> < y 2> [duration(ms)] (Default: touchscreen) # 模拟长按
$ adb shell screencap < filename > # 保存截屏到手机
$ adb pull /sdcard/screen.png # 下载截屏文件到本地
Development environment: Kotlin, IntelliJ IDEA
Using IntelliJ IDEA Open JJ Directory
My MacOS is Java 9, and Windows 10 is Java 8.
You may need to configure Project Structure -> JDK, Edit Configurations -> Kotlin -> Configuration -> JRE and reselect JRE to run.
Build -> Build Artifacts -> JJ:jar -> Build
Or Baidu Netdisk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mhFMVrE
Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i4Pw7hb Password: ajjt
directly and select the adb path Ratio
can be adjusted during operation.
It is best to re-open the app when switching modes.
JumpJump is released under the GPL V3 license. See LICENSE for details.