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Account: root
Password: root
An open product requirements design document PowerXDoc is provided to help users understand the design logic of the product. If it is incomplete or incorrect, you can contact us to jointly improve and iterate the product requirements.
PowerXDoc Open Source
PowerX is the backend server, which is based on the Go-Zero microservice framework and develops API interfaces. PowerWechat is also used as the driver of the scrm business module.
PowerX Open Source
PowerXDashboard corresponds to the backend management page and provides a set of independent WebUI based on Arco Design Vue to connect admin business operations.
PowerXDashboard Open Source
PowerXMP e-commerce applet open source
We have our own "ArtisanForce" product service, which is developed based on the UniApp front-end cross-platform framework and is compatible with mini programs and H5.
An open source applet that provides basic functions. Because the front-end applications are relatively diverse, we will only open source some basic functions for demonstration.
PowerXWeb front-end open source
Temporarily used in some customized development scenarios of 2C, which requires the use of Web UI
PowerWechat Golang SDK for WeChat
WeyUI is a WeChat ecological front-end component library that is very friendly to PowerX.
Thank you so much:
Michael Hu
North Wang