FinClip iOS DEMO
This project provides DEMO samples for running small programs in the iOS environment. ?
Official website | Sample applet | Development documentation | Deployment guide | SDK integration guide | API list | Component list | Privacy commitment
Have you ever thought that the developed WeChat applet can be run directly in your own APP? You only need to develop the applet once and open it in different applications. Isn't it incredible?
Have you ever tried introducing an SDK into your own APP? In the application, you can not only open the mini program, but also customize the mini program interface and modify the mini program style. Doesn’t it feel even more incredible?
This is FinClip, there are so many incredible things!
source ''
pod 'FinApplet'
In the following method in the project's AppDelegate
, call the SDK's initialization method.
- ( BOOL )application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:( NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// 需要添加至App中的代码--start
NSMutableArray *storeArrayM = [ NSMutableArray array ];
FATStoreConfig *storeConfig = [[FATStoreConfig alloc ] init ];
storeConfig. sdkKey = @"您的sdkKey信息" ;
storeConfig. sdkSecret = @"您的sdkSecret信息" ;
storeConfig. apiServer = @"服务器域名" ;
storeConfig. apmServer = @" apm统计事件的域名" ;
[storeArrayM addObject: storeConfig];
FATConfig *config = [FATConfig configWithStoreConfigs: storeArrayM];
[[FATClient sharedClient ] initWithConfig: config error: nil ];
// 需要添加至App中的代码--end
return YES ;
NSString *appId = @"小程序id " ;
// 打开小程序
[[FATClient sharedClient ] startRemoteApplet: appId startParams: nil InParentViewController: self completion: ^( BOOL result, NSError *error) {
NSLog ( @" result: %d ---error: %@ " , result, error);
The Mini Program ID is different from the WeChat Mini Program ID! (This refers specifically to the ID of the FinClip platform)
Click here to view iOS Quick Integration Documentation
The following content is frequently asked questions and guidance information when you develop and experience FinClip.
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