Push All In One! Supports Server Sauce (and Server Sauce³), custom emails, DingTalk robots, enterprise WeChat robots, enterprise WeChat applications, pushplus, iGot, Qmsg, Xizhi, PushDeer, Discord, OneBot, Telegram and other push methods.
Push All In One! Supports multiple push methods including Server Chan (and Server Chan³), custom email, DingTalk robot, WeChat Work robot, WeChat Work application, pushplus, iGot, Qmsg, XiZhi, PushDeer, Discord, OneBot, Telegram, and more .
Warm reminder: For security reasons, please use all push methods on the server side ! Please do not use it on the client (web page) !
Friendly Reminder: For security reasons, all push methods should be used on the server side ! Do not use them on the client side (web page) !
Cloud function push service developed based on push-all-in-one and hono - push-all-in-cloud. Supports nodejs/docker/vercel and other deployment methods, and can be deployed to vercel with one click.
Important update reminder: push-all-in-one
v4 version is not compatible with v3 and lower versions, please check CHANGELOG for changes.
BREAKING CHANGES : push-all-in-one
v4 version is not compatible with v3 and lower versions. Please refer to CHANGELOG for changes.
It is recommended to modify it according to the type hints of TypeScript.
Suggest modifying according to TypeScript's type prompts.
npm i push-all-in-one -S
All push methods implement send(title: string, desp?: string, options?: any):
, desp
, and options
for the push method. For details, please refer to the notes of each push channel.
Don't know how to set up the configuration? Please go to the push-all-in-cloud configuration generator to generate
common configurations online.
Example of calling method:
import { ServerChanTurbo , ServerChanV3 , CustomEmail , Dingtalk , WechatRobot , WechatApp , PushPlus , IGot , Qmsg , XiZhi , PushDeer , Discord , OneBot , Telegram , runPushAllInOne } from 'push-all-in-one'
// 通过 runPushAllInOne 统一调用
runPushAllInOne ( '测试推送' , '测试推送' , {
type : 'ServerChanTurbo' ,
config : {
} ,
option : {
} ,
} )
// Server酱·Turbo。官方文档:https://sct.ftqq.com/r/13172
const SCTKEY = 'SCTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
const serverChanTurbo = new ServerChanTurbo ( {
} )
serverChanTurbo . send ( '你好' , '你好,我很可爱 - Server酱·Turbo' , { } )
// 【推荐】Server酱³
// Server酱3。官方文档:https://sc3.ft07.com/doc
const serverChanV3 = new ServerChanV3 ( {
} )
serverChanV3 . send ( '你好' , '你好,我很可爱 - Server酱³' , { } )
// 【推荐】自定义邮件,基于 nodemailer 实现,官方文档: https://github.com/nodemailer/nodemailer
const customEmail = new CustomEmail ( {
EMAIL_TYPE : 'text' ,
EMAIL_TO_ADDRESS : '[email protected]' ,
EMAIL_AUTH_USER : '[email protected]' ,
EMAIL_AUTH_PASS : '123456' ,
EMAIL_HOST : 'smtp.qq.com' ,
EMAIL_PORT : 465 ,
} )
customEmail . send ( '你好' , '你好,我很可爱 - 自定义邮件' , { } )
// 【推荐】钉钉机器人。官方文档:https://developers.dingtalk.com/document/app/custom-robot-access
const DINGTALK_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
const DINGTALK_SECRET = 'SECxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
const dingtalk = new Dingtalk ( {
} )
dingtalk . send ( '你好' , '你好,我很可爱 - 钉钉机器人' , { msgtype : 'markdown' } )
// 企业微信群机器人。官方文档:https://developer.work.weixin.qq.com/document/path/91770
// 企业微信群机器人的使用需要两人以上加入企业,如果个人使用微信推送建议使用 企业微信应用+微信插件 推送。虽然需要配置的内容更多了,但是无需下载企业微信,网页端即可完成操作。
const WECHAT_ROBOT_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
const wechatRobot = new WechatRobot ( {
} )
wechatRobot . send ( '你好,我很可爱- 企业微信群机器人' , '' , { msgtype : 'text' } )
// 【推荐】企业微信应用推送,官方文档:https://developer.work.weixin.qq.com/document/path/90664
// 微信插件 https://work.weixin.qq.com/wework_admin/frame#profile/wxPlugin
// 参数的介绍请参考:https://developer.work.weixin.qq.com/document/path/90665
// 支持 text 和 markdown 格式,但 markdown 格式仅可在企业微信中查看
const wechatApp = new WechatApp ( {
WECHAT_APP_CORPID : 'wwxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ,
WECHAT_APP_AGENTID : 10001 , // 请更换为自己的 AGENTID
WECHAT_APP_SECRET : 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ,
} )
wechatApp . send ( '你好,我很可爱 - 企业微信应用推送' , '' , {
msgtype : 'text' ,
touser : '@all' ,
} )
// pushplus 推送,官方文档:https://www.pushplus.plus/doc/
const PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
const pushplus = new PushPlus ( { PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN } )
pushplus . send ( '你好' , '你好,我很可爱 - PushPlus' , {
template : 'html' ,
channel : 'wechat' ,
} )
// iGot 推送,官方文档:http://hellyw.com/#/
const I_GOT_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
const iGot = new IGot ( { I_GOT_KEY } )
iGot . send ( '你好' , '你好,我很可爱 - iGot' , {
url : 'https://github.com/CaoMeiYouRen/push-all-in-one' ,
topic : 'push-all-in-one' ,
} )
// Qmsg 酱 推送,官方文档:https://qmsg.zendee.cn
const QMSG_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
const qmsg = new Qmsg ( { QMSG_KEY } )
qmsg . send ( '你好,我很可爱 - Qmsg' , '' , {
type : 'send' ,
qq : '123456,654321' ,
} ) // msg:要推送的消息内容;qq:指定要接收消息的QQ号或者QQ群,多个以英文逗号分割,例如:12345,12346
// 息知 推送,官方文档:https://xz.qqoq.net/#/index
const XI_ZHI_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
const xiZhi = new XiZhi ( { XI_ZHI_KEY } )
xiZhi . send ( '你好' , '你好,我很可爱 - XiZhi' )
// PushDeer 推送,官方文档:https://github.com/easychen/pushdeer
const PUSH_DEER_PUSH_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
const pushDeer = new PushDeer ( { PUSH_DEER_PUSH_KEY } )
pushDeer . send ( '你好' , '你好,我很可爱 - PushDeer' , {
type : 'markdown' ,
} )
// 【推荐】Discord Webhook 推送,官方文档:https://support.discord.com/hc/zh-tw/articles/228383668-%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E7%B6%B2%E7%B5%A1%E9%89%A4%E6%89%8B-Webhooks-
// [Recommended] Discord Webhook push. Official documentation: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks
const DISCORD_WEBHOOK = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
const PROXY_URL = ''
const discord = new Discord ( { DISCORD_WEBHOOK , PROXY_URL } )
// Discord 也支持以下方式添加代理地址
// Discord also supports adding proxy addresses in the following ways
// discord.proxyUrl = ''
discord . send ( '你好,我很可爱 - Discord' , '' , {
} )
// 【推荐】Telegram Bot 推送。官方文档:https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#making-requests
// [Recommended] Telegram Bot push. Official documentation: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#making-requests
const telegram = new Telegram ( {
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN : '111111:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ,
// PROXY_URL: '',
} )
// Telegram 也支持以下方式添加代理地址
// Telegram also supports adding proxy addresses in the following ways
// telegram.proxyUrl = ''
telegram . send ( '你好,我很可爱 - Telegram' , '' , {
disable_notification : true ,
} )
// OneBot 推送。官方文档:https://github.com/botuniverse/onebot-11
// 本项目实现的版本为 OneBot 11
// 在 mirai 环境下实现的插件版本可参考:https://github.com/yyuueexxiinngg/onebot-kotlin
const ONE_BOT_BASE_URL = ''
const ONE_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
const oneBot = new OneBot ( { ONE_BOT_BASE_URL , ONE_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN } )
oneBot . send ( '你好,我很可爱 - OneBot 11' , '' , {
message_type : 'private' ,
user_id : 123456789 ,
} )
For more examples, please refer to examples
Agent support
environment variables | effect | example |
NO_PROXY | Set whether to disable proxy | true |
HTTP_PROXY | Set http/https proxy | |
HTTPS_PROXY | Set http/https proxy | |
SOCKS_PROXY | Set http/https proxy through socks/socks5 protocol | socks:// |
This project supports request proxying through environment variables
// 在 nodejs 项目中可通过直接设置环境变量来设置代理
process . env . HTTP_PROXY = '' // 当请求是 http/https 的时候走 HTTP_PROXY
process . env . HTTPS_PROXY = '' // 当请求是 http/https 的时候走 HTTPS_PROXY,HTTPS_PROXY 优先
process . env . SOCKS_PROXY = 'socks://' // 当 HTTP_PROXY 设置时走 SOCKS_PROXY
// process.env.NO_PROXY = true // 设置 NO_PROXY 可禁用代理
Environment variables can be set manually on the command line
set HTTP_PROXY= ' ' # Windows
export HTTP_PROXY= ' ' # Linux
cross-env HTTP_PROXY= ' ' # 通过 cross-env 这个包来跨平台
This project is developed using TypeScript and packaged using tsup, which can perfectly implement type hints and tree-shaking optimization. Unused modules will be removed during the compilation phase.
npm run dev
This project uses the debug
package to debug. If you want to enable debugging, set the environment variable to DEBUG=push:*
, for example
cross-env DEBUG=push: * NODE_ENV=development ts-node-dev test/index.test.ts # 因为一些原因该文件未上传,可自行编写测试用例
npm run build
npm run lint
npm run commit
Feel free to contribute, ask questions, or suggest new features!
If you have any questions, please check the issues page.
To contribute or propose new features, check out the contributing guide.
Welcome to contribute, ask questions or propose new features!
If you have any questions, please check the issues page.
For contributions or new feature proposals, please refer to the contributing guide.
If you find this project useful, please give it a ️, thank you very much.
If you find this project useful, please give it a ️. Thank you very much.
Copyright © 2022 CaoMeiYouRen.
This project is MIT licensed.
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