WeChat Mini Program Mall (Java version)
- Official QQ group: 796496306 (small micro mall)
Technology selection
Project structure
|--platform-admin 后台管理
|--platform-api 微信小程序商城api接口
|--platform-common 公共模块
|--platform-framework 系统WEB合并,请打包发布此项目
|--platform-gen 代码生成
|--platform-mp 微信公众号模块
|--platform-schedule 定时任务
|--platform-shop 商城后台管理
|--wx-mall 微信小程序商城
|--platform-vue 微信公众号商城(待开发)
Implement function
Installation tutorial
- Configuration environment (recommended jdk1.8, maven3.3, tomcat8, mysql5.7, redis4.0.1)
- Create database
- Initialize the sql script in sequence
- /_sql/platform.sql
- /_sql/sys_region.sql
- Import the project into the IDE
- Import the payment certificate to the /platform-shop/src/main/resources/cert/ directory (apply for a merchant number, activate WeChat payment, and download the payment certificate)
- Modify the configuration file /platform-admin/src/main/resources/dev/platform.properties
- jdbc.url
- jdbc.username
- jdbc.password
- wx.appId
- wx.secret
- wx.mchId
- wx.paySignKey
- wx.notifyUrl
- sms.validIp
- mp.appId
- mp.secret
- mp.token
- mp.aesKey
- Modify the configuration file/platform-admin/src/main/resources/j2cache.properties
- redis.hosts
- redis.password
- Start the background project (refer to the development documentation)
- Open WeChat developer tools
- Import/wx-mall fill in appId
- Modify the value of NewApiRootUrl in /wx-mall/config/app.js
- The default access path after starting the project using eclipse
- http://localhost:8080/platform-framework
- The default access path after starting the project using idea
Production environment packaging
weimall>mvn package -P prod
platform-vue start
- npm install -g yarn
- yarn install
- yarn run dev
- Enter in the browser
Page display
sending a text message
Mini program homepage
shopping cart
Login authorization
Mini program connected to mobile phone in parallel
VUE page
Development document directory