We wrote a separate project PowerWechatTutorial, which basically covers all API usage, hoping to help everyone get started with Golang WeChat development faster.
git clone https://github.com/ArtisanCloud/PowerWechatTutorial.git
You can download the configuration file of insomnia to facilitate debugging using insomnia in Tutorial. insomnia.json
In the project root directory, create a new config.yaml
, copy the following fields into it, and then execute go run main.go
If the program starts normally, accessing http://localhost:8888 will return a Hello, PowerWechat
# 微信支付配置文档: https://powerwechat.artisan-cloud.com/zh/payment/index.html#userconfig%E5%8F%82%E6%95%B0%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E%EF%BC%9A
payment :
appid : xxxxx # 公众号appid、小程序appid、企业微信corpid等
mchid : 100000 # ArtisanCloud商户号
certpath : certs/apiclient_cert.pem # 证书路径
keypath : certs/apiclient_key.pem # 证书私钥路径
serialno : 55D06F99FF64CF1759FDE5B77A0BEC8B67A78C2E
key : xxxxx
mchapiv3key : xxxxx
notifyurl : https://www.artisancloud.cn
redisaddr : localhost:6379
# 小程序配置文档: https://powerwechat.artisan-cloud.com/zh/mini-program/index.html
miniprogram :
appid : xxxxx
secret : xxxxx
redisaddr : localhost:6379
messagetoken : xxxxx
messageaeskey : xxxxx
# 企业微信配置文档: https://powerwechat.artisan-cloud.com/zh/wecom/index.html
wecom :
corpid : ww454dfb9d6f6d432a
# ----- powerwechat-docs-demo start ------
agent_id : 1000000
secret : xxxxx
messagetoken : xxxxx
messageaeskey : xxxxx
messagecallback : https://www.artisan-cloud.com/message/callback
oauthcallback : https://www.artisan-cloud.com/oauth/callback
# ----- powerwechat-docs-demo end ------
# 联系人配置
contactsecret : xxxxx
contacttoken : xxxxx
contactaeskey : xxxxx
contactcallback : https://www.artisan-cloud.com/api/wx/customer
redisaddr : localhost:6379
# 公众号配置文档: https://powerwechat.artisan-cloud.com/zh/official-account/index.html
offiaccount :
appid : xxxxx
appsecret : xxxxx
redisaddr : localhost:6379
messagetoken : xxxxx
messageaeskey : xxxxx
In main.go
, you can selectively comment out unnecessary modules to avoid errors that affect the operation when there is no configuration.