is a control that imitates the multi-select photos in WeChat album. Pay attention to some details of the WeChat album, such as serial number, photos turning gray after the maximum selection, browsing thumbnails, etc.
This is just a library file address, the resource path is incorrect, and the demonstration is not comprehensive. Support pod. Please go to the demo address to view project details. demo moves
supports iOS8+
pod 'ZYImagePickerAndBrower', '~> 0.8.0'
pod install
.pod demo address
Set theme color
ZYPhotoAlbumSkinColor = UIColor . orange
Choose photo
let photoAlbumVC = ZYPhotoNavigationViewController ( photoAlbumDelegate : self , photoAlbumType : . selectPhoto ) //初始化需要设置代理对象
photoAlbumVC . maxSelectCount = 9 //最大可选择张数
self . navigationController ? . present ( photoAlbumVC , animated : true , completion : nil )
ZYPhotoAlbumProtocol callback
func photoAlbum ( selectPhotos : [ ZYPhotoModel ] ) {
let imageArray = selectPhotos . map { ( model ) -> UIImage in
return model . thumbnailImage!
imagePickerView . dataSource = imageArray
imagePickerView . numberOfLine = 4
imagePickerView . reloadView ( )
imagePickerView . addCallBack = { ( ) in
self . goPickerController ( )
0.8.0 : Fixed the problem of being unable to return to the photo album
0.7.0 : Fixed the problem that the navigation bar disappeared after previewing.