WeChat mall based on Laravel5.2, Vue.js1.0
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Since the interface test account has a maximum of 100 followers, some replies may not be pushed to the interface after following, such as:
I will clear my followers regularly for easier access.
iMall Backend
iMall Frontend
Laravel Vue Blog
WeChat interface test public account
WeChat Mall
Backend CMS
You can directly register an account to browse
There is no need to configure public account information, this function will be removed and replaced with a configuration file
iMall functions are under development, please do not delete any data in the background.
Since the official account menu is always changed, I commented out the official account menu routing and the official account menu setting entrance in the view, which can be opened in routes.php and app.blade.php.
composer config -g repo.packagist composer https://packagist.phpcomposer.com
npm i -g nrm
nrm ls #查看所有npm 源
nrm use taobao # use 你想要的那一个
git clone https://github.com/PassionZale/iMall.git
cd iMall/
git update-index --assume-unchanged config/wechat.php
cp .env.example .env
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
cd iMall/
npm install
gulp admin-sass
gulp mall-sass
gulp global-sass
npm run build
During the development phase, we need to compile *.vue, *.sass and other files in real time. If we want npm to execute multiple processes, we can use the tool concurrently.
npm install -g concurrently
concurrently " npm run taskA " " npm run taskB "
Take this project as an example:
concurrently " webpack --watch " " gulp watchsass "
Life is not a relay race, it is a marathon. Hard work will be rewarded
Come on, youth has no failure