SmartIM plug-in on IntelliJ IDEA, suitable for most Intellij IDEs,
For the Eclipse IDE plug-in, please visit
Send and receive text messages
Send and receive pictures
Send and receive files
Send files from the project
Code Review sends code location and comments
hyperlink click
Support Turing robot access
SmartQQ official protocol does not support sending and receiving pictures and files, and extended file sending and receiving is implemented by a third party.
Switched to PC version protocol
v3.0.0 2024-04-06, WeChat switches to PC protocol to solve the criticized account restriction login problem
v2.7.2 2019-08-15, fix NumberFormatException when logging in with WeChat
v2.7.0 2019-04-25, add custom chat message style, add related icons under dark theme
v2.6.1 2019-03-02, fixed the issue that the code review xml was filtered and the wrong object was selected. Optimized WeChat contacts and did not display emoji.
v2.4.0 2018-05-10, fixes the problem of abnormal login for some WeChat users
v2.3.0 2018-02-27, adds functions such as sending files in the project, Turing robots, group messaging, etc. In terms of functionality, it is finally almost the same as the eclipse version.
v2.2.0 2018-02-06, added the function of sending files via WeChat and receiving animated expressions, files and pictures.
v2.1.0 2018-01-01, chat content supports rich text, optimizes WeChat recent contacts, adds a group to WeChat friends, fixes the problem of SmartQQ sending failure, ignores the failure of SmartQQ to obtain recent contacts...
v2.0.1 2017-11-17, fixed the problem that in some IDEs, after installing the plug-in, the IDE settings cannot be opened
v2.0.0 2017-11-11, reconstructed based on SmartIM and supports WeChat. This version will cause the IDE settings to be unable to be opened on some IDEs (reference #10). It is strongly recommended to upgrade to a new version.
v1.0.5/2017/08/16, the file sending function we wanted is here.
v1.0.3/2017/07/14, beautified the UI and added exception notifications.
File->Settings->Plugins opens the plug-in settings interface
Click on Browser repositories... and enter SmartIM to perform a search
Click SmartIM to install and restart
View -> ToolWindows Check SmartIM
(Optional) Click on the specific IM at the top of SmartIM (default is Wechat)
Click the login icon (the first one) on the left toolbar and use your mobile phone to scan the QR code to log in.