A fast wxpay(v2) development sdk written in Golang
go get github.com/fastwego/wxpay
// 微信支付 实例
pay = wxpay . New (wxpay. Config {
Appid : "APPID" ,
Mchid : "MCHID" ,
ApiKey : "APIKEY" ,
//IsSandBoxMode: true,
Cert : "CERT" ,
// 统一下单
params := map [ string ] string {
"appid" : pay . Config . Appid ,
"mch_id" : pay . Config . Mchid ,
"nonce_str" : util . GetRandString ( 32 ),
"body" : "BODY" ,
"out_trade_no" : "NO.10086" ,
"total_fee" : c . Request . URL . Query (). Get ( "fee" ), // 201
"spbill_create_ip" : "" ,
"notify_url" : viper . GetString ( "NOTIFYURL" ),
"trade_type" : types . TradeTypeAPP ,
result , err := order . UnifiedOrder ( pay , params )
fmt . Println ( result , err )
if err != nil {
// 返回客户端预下单信息
Complete demo project:
See a list of all supported APIs
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