The following is a demo of how to generate a token by using the WeChat SDK directly in android. This can be a surprisingly difficult task as there is very little documentation and code examples online. Much of the documentation around WeChat is in Chinese which makes debugging very difficult if you run into any issues. WeChat also never respond if you have a bad configuration leaving very little to Google.
This is a simplified demo just for login. The following is a more comprehensive demo of most (all) weChat features that really helped me figure out login:
Link to an article I wrote about the experience:
To use WeChat you must be a registered developer. Go to I will not document this as I did not personally go through the process. You will have to create a mobile application which requires you to fill out some details about the application you are creating that will interact with WeChat. From reading online it seems you can get blocked here if you don't have a Chinese phone number to send a verification code to.
Once this is submitted and accepted, you will have a registered WeChat mobile application with a WeChat App Id. The app Id is important as it's how WeChat identifies the application requesting authorization.
I couldn't find a gradle import for the WeChat SDK. Their official site gives instructions on how to import their SDK into the libs folder of your application.
You must provide WeChat with a valid package name and signature for the development application you will be using to invoke WeChat via the SDK. This can be set in the development portal at For the package name, use the package name from your manifest.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
For the signature, use the MD5 hash of the key used to sign your published APK. The easiest way to do this is to setup a signature to always use for your debug/release builds. If you have a java keystore holding a signing key within your project, you can add the following to your app gradle file to sign your debug release with a constant signature:
android {
// Keystore located in root project folder. Google can show many examples on how to generate keystores with signatures
signingConfigs {
debug {
storeFile file('keystore.jks')
storePassword 'password'
keyAlias 'weChatDebug'
keyPassword 'password'
If you do not use a set key for signing debug builds, android studio automatically signs your dev APK for you. To determine what MD5 signature to provide to WeChat, I found this article useful: It holds a link to a Chinese app that pulls your MD5 hash for a provided application:
Warning This is a random link I found on the internet, no promises as I have no involvement with the software.
If you use the application, when you run it, provide your package name in the first text field. Clicking the first button will show the MD5 for your app in the second text field. Paste this to WeChat.
When you finally get a token from WeChat, it's a code you must exchange for an access token using your app ID and secret. The secret can be found in the WeChat developer portal. To complete the exchange, it's just a simple rest call to a WeChat API.
API Call: Additional info: Scroll down to "Obtain access token by the code".
Once everything is lined up, there is very little code needed to generate a token. However if anything is incorrect, you will likely never see any transition to WeChat, a failure to load WeChat if a transition occurs, or no response from WeChat after you give your application access.
You are free to use any code from this example but do so at your own risk! WeChat is very hard to navigate.
Note: I cannot answer any questions about WeChat. It's been too long and too scarring to look at again.
Good luck!