Simplified Chinese | English
When Yang moves, all things come into being! May good things happen unexpectedly, may happiness come as promised, may the epidemic dissipate soon, may we rush to a better future together, and may we live up to all our efforts.
TodoAdmin-Vue version: It is an integrated management backend template solution. The project uses TS script language and is based on Vue 3.2+/Vue-cli 5.0+/Vue-router 4.0+, Axios0.2.7+, Element-plus 2.2+, Pinia 2.0+, ECharts 5.3+, etc., the project is based on Composition It is written in api style and uses remote API interface and local Mock dual interface mode to load data.
Username: guest
Password: 123456
# 克隆项目
git clone -b
# 安装依赖
npm i or yarn install
# 本地开发 启动项目
npm run serve or yarn serve
# 克隆项目
git clone -b
# 安装依赖
npm i or yarn install
# 本地开发 启动项目
npm run serve or yarn serve
The following is an introduction to the Pro version
title name | Version | describe |
vue | A progressive framework for building user interfaces | |
vue-router | Single page application routing | |
vue-cli | Project scaffolding | |
axios | Promise-based network request library | |
element-plus | Component library based on Vue3 | |
element-plus-icons | Component icon library based on Vue3 | |
vue-quill | Visual online text editor | |
quill-image-resize | Text editor image resize | |
vue-cropper | Image cropping based on Vue3 | |
pinia | Status management | |
vue-i18n-next | Switching between multiple languages and texts | |
js-md5 | MD5 encryption | |
progress | Progress bar loading | |
echarts | Multifunctional charts |
npm install or yarn install
npm run serve or yarn serve
npm run build or yarn build
npm run lint
#项目主体HTTP/HTTPS Restful请求接口地址常量import模块
front end
rear end
Username: guest
Password: 123456
1. 独家采用API远程实时数据接口和Mock本地数据双接口调试(可自由切换数据接口模式)
2. 支持前后端路由菜单权限和功能按钮权限控制
3. 采用实时接口传输数据,让你事半功倍
4. 偏好数据、主题切换、多国语言切换等配置
5. 支持原生css和scss 自动排序,eslint 自动修复
6. axios 二次封装,支持多种模式和参数方式
7. websocket 封装,支持实时数据传输方式
8. 支持MD5/RSA加密登录
9. 支持https数据加密传输
10. 使用CDN分发项目样式css和js、图片,让速度飞起来
11. 支持全屏操作
12. 支持MarkDown(md)文件加载成Vue组件页面
1. 项目默认使用Chrome浏览器,Vue Devtools 插件调试
2. 项目默认使用VSCode + Eslint校验规范,需要配置vscode编辑器
3. 项目也可以使用Goland或IntelliJ IDEA + 相关插件开发
4. 项目使用MIT开源协议,请保留MIT开源协议即可免费商用
The following is an screenshot of the pro version of the renderings:
If you have any questions, you can ask them and the author will deal with them quickly
If there are any problems or bugs in the project, you can submit an Issue
Major browsers and IE 10+.
IE/Edge | Firefox | Chrome | Safari |
IE10/IE11/Edge | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
Thank you to everyone who supports this project!
Projects (in no particular order) |
vue |
element-plus |
pinia |
vue-i18n-next |
axios |
echarts |
progress |
This project is free for commercial use, please comply with the MIT license and retain the author's technical support statement.
Copyright (c) 2022-present,