VUE + ELEMENT.UI demo project
The project is currently under development and may change significantly. It is only for research and study reference for the time being.
Based on VUE CLI
Comes with Mock server
Use .env to configure environment variables
Use different configuration files to separate different project entries Account: 13098761234 Password: 123456
npm install www.agile.test
You can use different project entry configuration files according to the command line VUE_CLI_SERVICE_CONFIG_PATH parameter in the package.json file scripts
Copy .env.example to .env.development
npm run serve:admin
npm run serve:mobile
npm run build:admin
npm run build:mobile
├── dist // 生成的生产环境文件
├── mocker // Mock 服务器和 Mock 数据
├── src // 源代码目录
│ ├── core // 公用核心模块
│ └── modules // 模块目录
│ └── admin // 管理后台
│ └── mobile // 移动端
Default Mock service background administrator:
User: 13012345679 Password: 123456
Agile Spring Boot
Version: 2020-10-31 19:30
Open ./node_modules/element-ui/lib/cascader-panel.js file line 1053 and change if(value)
to if (value !== undefined && value !== null) {