Grooveshop Django API
This project delivers a robust headless API using Django and Django REST Framework,
with support for both synchronous and asynchronous environments facilitated by Uvicorn (ASGI)
and Gunicorn (WSGI) respectively. It leverages Django Allauth for authentication,
utilizes Celery with Redis for task management, and employs Postgres for data storage.
Features include caching, multi-language support, and comprehensive test coverage.
The API also includes a built-in Django admin panel for efficient administrative operations.
Project Structure
The Django applications within this project include:
- Core: Core functionalities and shared utilities.
- User: User management and authentication.
- Product: Product catalog management.
- Order: Order processing and management.
- Search: Advanced search capabilities.
- Slider: Dynamic UI sliders for promotions and highlights.
- Blog: Content management for blog posts.
- SEO: SEO tools and configurations.
- Tip: User tips and advice sections.
- VAT: VAT calculation and management.
- Country: Country-specific configurations.
- Region: Regional data and settings.
- Pay Way: Payment method configurations.
- Session: User session management.
- Cart: Shopping cart functionalities.
- Notification: User notification mechanisms.
- Authentication: Additional authentication layers.
- Contact: Contact management and communication tools.
- Authentication and User Management: Streamlined user account and session management.
- Multi-Language Support: Accommodates various languages enhancing global usability.
- Advanced Search and Filtering: Leverages Postgres Full-Text Search for efficient data retrieval.
- Task Scheduling: Utilizes Celery for background task management.
- Performance Optimization: Implements caching strategies to improve API responsiveness.
- Testing: Includes comprehensive unit and integration tests.
- Admin Panel: Django's built-in admin panel for straightforward management.
- API Documentation: Well-documented API using Swagger and Redoc.
- Containerization: Docker integration for simplified setup and deployment.
- Frameworks: Django, Django REST Framework
- Authentication: Django Allauth
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Task Management: Celery
- Message Broker: Redis
- Server Setup: Uvicorn (ASGI), Gunicorn (WSGI)
- Containerization: Docker
- Python 3.13 or higher
- Django 5.0 or higher
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
This project is open-sourced under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Docker Commands for Django Projects
Using Docker Compose
Database Operations
- Run DB Migrations:
docker compose run backend sh -c "python makemigrations --noinput"
- Apply Migrations:
docker compose run backend sh -c "python migrate"
User Management
- Create Superuser:
docker compose run backend sh -c "python createsuperuser"
Static Files
- Collect Static Files:
docker compose run backend sh -c "python collectstatic --noinput"
Testing and Coverage
- Run Tests:
docker compose run backend sh -c "python test tests/"
- Run Tests with Coverage (excluding specific files and folders):
docker compose run backend sh -c "coverage run --omit=*/migrations/*,*/management/*,*/,*/,*/,*/ --source='.' test tests/ && coverage report && coverage html"
- Generate Coverage HTML Reports:
docker compose run backend sh -c "coverage html"
Data Seeding
- Seed Database with Fake Data:
docker compose run backend sh -c "python seed_all"
Custom Docker Compose Files
- Run with Specific Compose File:
docker compose -f <docker-compose-file.yml> up -d --build
Using Docker Exec
General Commands
- Execute Command in Container:
docker exec -it <container_id> <command>
- Run Specific Shell Command:
docker exec -it <container_id> sh -c "<command>"
- Generate Locale Messages:
docker exec -it <container_id> sh -c "python makemessages -l <locale>"
docker exec -it <container_id> sh -c "python makemessages --all --ignore=env"
- Compile Locale Messages:
docker exec -it <container_id> sh -c "python compilemessages --ignore=env"
Additional Configuration for Development Tools
Starting Celery Services
- Run a local Celery beat scheduler using the Django database scheduler:
celery -A core beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
- Run a Celery worker:
celery -A core worker -E -l info --pool=solo
- Monitor Celery with Flower:
celery -A core flower --broker=amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672// --broker_api=http://guest:guest@localhost:15672/api// --port=5555
Running the ASGI Application
- Start Uvicorn for ASGI applications:
uvicorn asgi:application --port 8000 --workers 4 --log-level debug --reload
Python Development Setup and Utilities
Python Version 3.13.1
Virtual Environment Management
- Install Virtualenv:
pip install virtualenv
- Create Virtual Environment:
virtualenv <env_name>
- Activate Virtual Environment:
- Unix/Linux:
source <env_name>/bin/activate
- Windows:
- Deactivate Virtual Environment:
- Install Requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install Environment-Specific Requirements:
pip install -r requirements/<env_name>.txt
Django Commands
- Install Django:
pip install django
- Start a New Project:
django-admin startproject <project_name>
- Start a New App:
python startapp <app_name>
- Database Migrations and Management:
- Make migrations:
python makemigrations
- Apply migrations:
python migrate
- Flush the database:
python sqlflush
- Populate database with seed data (Single Factory Example):
python factory_seed --model="BlogPost" --count="100"
- Populate database with seed data (All Factories Example):
python seed_all --model-counts="Country=10,Product=100"
- Manage Users:
- Create superuser:
python createsuperuser
- Manage Static Files:
python collectstatic
- Testing and Debugging:
- Run tests:
python test
- Access Django shell:
python shell
- Enhanced shell:
python shell_plus
- Database shell:
python dbshell
- Run Development Server:
python runserver
Code Formatting and Linting
- Navigate to Source Directory:
cd src
- Pre-commit and Black Formatting:
- Install pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
- Run pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit run --all-files
- Format code with Black:
black .
Poetry for Dependency Management
- Install Poetry:
curl -sSL | python3 -
Windows: (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -
- Manage Projects and Dependencies:
- Create a new project:
poetry new <project_name>
- Install dependencies:
poetry install
- Add or remove a dependency:
poetry add <dependency_name>
and poetry remove <dependency_name>
- Update a specific dependency or lock file:
poetry update <dependency_name>
and poetry lock
- Run a script:
poetry run <script_name>
- Enter virtual environment shell:
poetry shell
How to auto pip-upgrade requirements.txt
- Using pip-upgrader:
- Run pip-upgrader:
Strawberry GraphQL
- Install Strawberry:
pip install strawberry-graphql
- Run Strawberry Server:
strawberry server
- Run with Project Schema:
strawberry server core.graphql.schema:schema
Django REST Framework - Spectacular
- Generate API Schema:
python spectacular --color --file schema.yml
Git Command Usage
Tag Management
Deleting Tags
Delete Remote Tags:
- Delete all remote tags:
git tag -l | xargs -n 1 git push --delete origin
Delete Local Tags:
- Delete all local tags:
git tag -l | xargs git tag -d