App supports
- Responsive Desgin.
- select/Booking Rooms, Apartments , Resorts, Cabins from different parts from the world.
- chossing Date (how many days to will stay), Location , How man children do you have for perfect room.
- Filterling and seaching for perfect Room inside the country you choose.
- Room Reivew With Picture and Description and total Price.
- Room Reservation by Email , Selected date ,Number of Room and Name of Hotel or Resort.
- Admin DashBoard for CRUD operation (users, Rooms, Admins, Reserved rooms).
- Admin Authentication , App Authentication (for normal users).
- Context APi.
- Update, Create , Get , Get All , Delete database through Admin Dashboard.
- adminDashboard data analysis visualization for each month of total revenue income from Reserved rooms.
Home Page
Select Country , Date , indiefy Number of Family/Rooms and Filtering / Seaching Through Results through REST Api
Room Price Through the booked Period, details about the rooom, Selected Date to Book the room
Admin DashBoard To determine the monthly income from booking hotel rooms and CRUD operation of Database
Night Mode
Filterling and Searching
Users Database CRUD operations
Home Page
How to start
1- make .env in Api file
- SECRET_KEY for Password Hashing (encrypted Password)
- make a mongodb account and use your Api (for database access) in .env MONGO_URL for MongoDb
- JWT_SECRET for web tokens
2 - make Cloudinary account for media cloud Database for Admin file
3- go each file Admin, Api , Client