- web-flash is a web system based on Spring Boot and Vue.js. It includes a backend management system based on element and a mobile h5 site based on vux.
- web-flash has common basic functions of back-end management systems, and provides a code generation plug-in based on idea intellij, which can generate front-end and back-end pages with one click.
- web-flash provides a back-end management system and front-end h5 site system
- A single version of Material Design style is also provided: material-admin
- A web-flash spring cloud version is also provided
- In addition, web-flash provides a front-end system based on vue3, click to view
Catalog description
- flash-api background api service
- flash-vue-admin Backend management system based on vuejs
- flash-vue-h5 mobile content system displays content based on the background management CMS content management module.
- flash-core basic module, including tool classes, dao, service, beans, etc.
- The flash-generator code generation module works better with the IDEA code generation plug-in webflash-generator.
- flash-workflow implements workflow functions based on activiti
- Backend management (vue version)
- Mobile version Open the browser and use the mobile view mode in debug mode to browse
Technology selection
- Core framework: Spring Boot
- Database layer: Spring data jpa
- Database connection pool: Druid
- Cache: Ehcache
- Front-end: Element (back-end) and vux (mobile terminal) based on Vue.js
- Workflow:activiti
Features included
web-flash includes mature background management functions and mobile h5 content site system
- Department management
- User management
- role management
- Menu management: configure menu functions
- Permission assignment: Configure specific function menus for specified roles
- Parameter management: maintain system parameters and cache system parameters to provide efficient reading
- Data dictionary management: configure and maintain data dictionary
- Scheduled task management: writing, configuring, and executing scheduled tasks
- Business log: record user operation logs through annotations and provide log query functions
- Login log: View user login and logout logs
- CMS content management, combined with flash-vue-h5, provides a mobile content display system
- Message management: configure message templates, send text messages, and email messages
- Workflow: process definition, application initiation, to-do tasks
- Code generation based on idea plug-in
- Clone this project
- Import idea or eclipse
- Create database: web-flash
CREATE USER ' webflash '@ ' % ' IDENTIFIED BY ' webflash190602@ABC ' ;
GRANT ALL privileges ON webflash. * TO ' webflash ' @ ' % ' ;
flush privileges;
- The development environment is configured to automatically create the database and initialize data after the system starts, so developers do not need to manually initialize the database.
- Make sure the development tools download the lombok plug-in
- Modify the database connection configuration in flash-api
- Start flash-api and visit http://localhost:8082/swagger-ui.html to ensure that the api service starts successfully.
- Enter the flash-vue-admin directory
- Run npm install --registry=
- Run npm run dev
- After successful startup, visit http://localhost:9528, log in, username and password: admin/admin
- Background management operation renderings:
- Enter the flash-vue-h5 directory
- Run npm install --registry=
- Run npm run dev
- After successful startup, visit http://localhost:8088/#/index
- Mobile terminal operation renderings:
If you use the code generation function, you need to first run mvn install to install the flash-generator module into the local maven repository.
Online documentation
- Gitter: Gitter channel
- QQ:752844606
Change Log