vue cli plugin element
Quickly build an enterprise application with vue-cli and element-ui in seconds.
This project is not only a vue-cli plugin but also a vue-cli preset. Have fun!
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A complete example project: ⚡ @codetrial/element-admin
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You must install Vue CLI 3 before you start:
npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli
You can create your project directly via preset, which already includes configurations such as ESLint and other plugins.
vue create --preset codetrial/vue-cli-plugin-element your-awesome-project
If you don't want to use the preset , you can manually create an empty project via vue-cli.
# make sure the following features are selected:
# - Babel
# - PWA
# - Router
# - Vuex
# - CSS Pre-processors + Sass
# - Linter - Formatter
vue create your-awesome-project
Then add the plugin to your project via vue.
vue add @codetrial/element
The full documentation:
Looking forward to your pull requests.
Copyright (c) 2018 - present, Felix Yang