typescript + vue multi-page application configuration and build optimization
├── public // 静态打包文件
├── scripts // 自动创建脚本
├── src // 源代码
│ ├── assets // 主题 字体等静态资源
│ ├── components // 全局公用组件
│ ├── config // 配置相关
│ ├── utils // 全局公用方法
│ ├── icons // 全局svg组件
│ │── pages // 业务模块根目录modules
│ │ ├── demo // 页面
│ ├── app.vue // 入口页面
│ └── main.ts // 入口初始化
│ │ └── index // 页面
├── .gitignore // git 忽略项
├── package.json // 安装依赖包
├── vue.config.js // 项目配置
├── README.md // 文档说明
Create a new .env.name
in the root directory, for example: .env.test
# just a flag
NODE_ENV = "test"
VUE_APP_TITLE = 'test'
# base url
BASE_URL = "http://xxx.com"
Configure different interface addresses and NODE_ENV according to different environments to facilitate subsequent processing according to the packaging environment configuration.
1.1 Install webpack
and webpack-cli
webpack -v
1.2 Generate dll and add it in package.json
"scripts" : {
"dll" : "webpack -p --progress --config ./webpack.dll.conf.js"
Execute generated dll
yarn run dll
1.3 Create a new webpack.dll.confl.js
file in the root directory and install the CleanWebpackPlugin
const path = require ( 'path' )
const webpack = require ( 'webpack' )
const { CleanWebpackPlugin } = require ( 'clean-webpack-plugin' )
// dll文件存放的目录
const dllPath = 'public/vendor'
module . exports = {
entry : {
// 需要提取的库文件
vendor : [
'vue' ,
'vue-router' ,
'vuex' ,
'axios' ,
} ,
output : {
path : path . join ( __dirname , dllPath ) ,
filename : '[name].dll.js' ,
// vendor.dll.js中暴露出的全局变量名,保持与 webpack.DllPlugin 中名称一致
library : '[name]_[hash]'
} ,
plugins : [
// 清除之前的dll文件
new CleanWebpackPlugin ( ) ,
// 设置环境变量
new webpack . DefinePlugin ( {
'process.env' : {
NODE_ENV : 'production'
} ) ,
new webpack . DllPlugin ( {
path : path . join ( __dirname , dllPath , '[name]-manifest.json' ) ,
// 保持与 output.library 中名称一致
name : '[name]_[hash]' ,
context : process . cwd ( )
} )
1.4 Ignore compiled files
To reduce webpack's compilation time for public libraries, add in vue.config.js
const webpack = require ( 'webpack' )
module . exports = {
configureWebpack : {
plugins : [
new webpack . DllReferencePlugin ( {
context : process . cwd ( ) ,
manifest : require ( './public/vendor/vendor-manifest.json' )
} )
1.5 Automatically introduce the generated dll file
Install add-asset-html-webpack-plugin
and automatically introduce generated files
module . exports = {
configureWebpack : {
plugins : [
// 将 dll 注入到 生成的 html 模板中
new AddAssetHtmlPlugin ( {
filepath : path . resolve ( __dirname , './public/vendor/*.js' ) ,
// dll 引用路径
publicPath : './vendor' ,
// dll最终输出的目录
outputPath : './vendor'
} )
There is also GZip压缩
and speed-measure-webpack-plugin
Please see vue.config.js
for details.