? A Vue 3.x Starter template built on Vite 5.x + TypeScript + Pinia@next ?
Live Demo online experience
There are currently five warehouse templates for different technology stacks under continuous maintenance. Please try and choose the template that suits you.
? (Recommended) TS + Pinia + low coupling (i18n) multi-language Vite5 + Vue3 + TS + Unocss + Unplugin + Element-Plus2 + vue-i18n@next
⚡️ TS + Pinia version (current warehouse) Vite5 + Vue3 + TS + Pinia + Element-Plus2 + useLocale + i18n
⚡️ JS + Pinia version Vite5 + Vue3 + Pinia + Element-Plus2 + useLocale + i18n
⚡️ TS + Vuex4 version Vite5 + Vue3 + TS + Vuex4 + Element-Plus2 + Unocss + Unplugin + useLocale + i18n
⚡️ JS + Vuex4 version Vite5 + Vue3 + Vuex4 + Element-Plus2 + useLocale + i18n
>= v3.0.5 (pre-release) If you prefer to use Naive UI as the UI library, we have also prepared several corresponding template projects for you, based on which you can carry out secondary development and customization of your business:
Run pnpm i
to install dependencies
pnpm i
Run pnpm dev
to start the front-end development server
pnpm dev
pnpm test
Unit testing, coverage testing
pnpm test:coverage
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