electron-admin-element-vue (GitHub, Gitee) is a desktop Admin built on the basis of
(GitHub, Gitee) and combined with vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder.
Note: The demo uses an online mock service, which is unstable. If you cannot log in, you can pull it locally and run it directly to view the demo.
Download the version you need and install it
Download link |
electron-admin-element-vue-v2.0.0-win32-ia32-setup.exe Github Gitee |
electron-admin-element-vue-v2.0.0-win32-x64-setup.exe Github Gitee |
electron-admin-element-vue-v2.0.0-mac.dmg Github Gitee |
Picture preview |
- 登录 / 注销 / 注册
- 权限验证
- 页面权限
- 按钮操作
- 权限配置
- 全局功能
- 国际化多语言
- 动态顶级菜单(支持设置是否启用)
- 动态侧边栏(支持多级路由嵌套)
- 动态面包屑(支持自定义配置)
- Svg Sprite 图标
- Mock 数据
- 综合实例
- 引导页
- 组件示例
- 编辑器
- CKEditor
- tui-editor
- 图标
- IconSvg
- IconFont
- 页面示例
- 列表页面
- 表格列表
- 高度自适应表格
- 搜索列表
- 表单页面
- 基础表单
- 高级表单
- 详情页面
- 基础详情
- 模块详情
- 表格详情
- 权限验证
Copy '.env.development' and rename it to '.env.development.local' and modify the corresponding parameters.
Copy '.env.production' and rename it to '.env.production.local' and modify the corresponding parameters.
$ yarn
$ npm install
It is recommended to use yarn, yarn installation and common commands .
$ yarn electron:serve
$ npm run electron:serve
$ yarn electron:build
$ npm run electron:build
$ yarn svgo
$ npm run svgo
yarn test:unit
npm run test:unit
yarn lint
npm run lint
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